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Acts of the Apostles, The--COTA 4/5 / White, Ellen G / (HB/1911-1958/FLB/B/USED)



Condition note: Former library book is lightly marked throughout and has moderate cover wear from much use.


The Acts of the Apostles was one of the last books written by Ellen G. White. It was published a few years before her death. It is one of the most illuminating volumes that came from her prolific pen. The average reader will find in it light for Christian witnessing. The message of the book is up to date, and its relevancy is reflected in the effort of the author to show that the twentieth century will witness a bestowal of spiritual power exceeding that of Pentecost. The work of the gospel is not to close with a lesser display of the Holy Spirit's power than marked its beginning.


Table of Contents

God's Purpose for His Church
The Training of the Twelve
The Great Commission
The Gift of the Spirit
At the Temple Gate
A Warning Against Hypocrisy
Before the Sanhedrin
The Seven Deacons
The First Christian Martyr
The Gospel in Samaria
From Persecutor to Disciple
Days Preparation
A Seeker for Truth
Delivered From Prison
The Gospel Message in Antioch
Heralds of the Gospel
Preaching Among the Heathen
Jew and Gentile
Exalting the Cross
In the Regions Beyond
Berea and Athens
The Thessalonian Letters
Apollos at Corinth
Days of Toil and Trial
A Message of Warning and Entreaty
Called to Reach a Higher Standard
The Message Heeded
A Liberal Church
Laboring Under Difficulties
A Consecrated Ministry
Salvation to the Jews
Apostasy in Galatia
Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem
Paul a Prisoner
The Trial at Caesarea
Paul Appeals to Caesar
"Almost Thou Persuadest Me"
The Voyage and Shipwreck
In Rome
Caesar's Household
Written From Rome
At Liberty
The Final Arrest
Paul Before Nero
Paul's Last Letter
Condemned to Die
A Faithful Under-Shepherd
Steadfast Unto the End
John the Beloved
A Faithful Witness
Transformed by Grace
The Revelation
The Church Triumphant
Scripture Index
General Index


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