*Condition Note: Book is lightly used and clean and has light general wear on cover/corners. Is clean except for some spotting on the page edges. May have an owner mark.*
Few people today recognize the impact of John Wesley upon modern religious thought. With unusual insight and ability of expression, Mrs. Short tells the story of this man, whose life was a large contribution to the cause of Christianity.
You will feel that you personally know John Wesley when you have learned his background, his philosophy of life, and his character by reading Affectionately Yours, John Wesley. You will be inspired by his courage and vision. You will be warmed by the glow of his personality.
A Brand Plucked Out of the Fire
Samuel and His Flock
The Schoolboy
Days of Perplexity
The Holy Club
Voyage to Georgia
In Savanna
Miss Sophie
The Warmed Heart
Conditions in England
Preaching Outdoors
"Fellowship in the Gospel"
"How Beautiful Are the Feet"
The Break With the Moravians
Changeable Grace
"In Stripes Above Measure"
The Hungry Actor
Amazing Manifestations
"All Ye Are Brethren"
Casting Out Devils
Mrs. John Wesley
Christian Perfection
An Ideal Methodist
Wesley and the Children
When Wesley Lay Dying
"Uncertain Riches"
Wesley as a Writer
Friendship With Catholic Priests
Soldiers of the Cross
The Journal
Secrets of Wesley's Success
"An Old Man, and Full of Years"
Sayings of Wesley
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