Este libro "ofrece una interpretación del Apocalipsis cristocéntrico-histórica desde la perspectiva hermenéutica del santuario". Sigue el enfoque teológico básico de los pioneros adventistas que usaron la doctrina del santuario como la llave que "abrió a la vista un sistema completo de verdad, relacionado y armonioso" (GC, 423).
Dr. Alberto R. Treiyer was born in the Adventist community of Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina, on January 25, 1948. Blood from Switzerland, Germany, and Spain runs through his veins. Being the great-grandson of Seventh-day Adventists, he studied all three educational levels - primary, high-school, and college - in Adventist institutions. Providence determined for him to achieve only a few philosophy courses at the University level, as well as his doctoral degree in theology, in Catholic and Protestant universities, respectively. |