Condition note: Book is lightly used and clean.
Gerald Finneman, author. This book will appeal especially to those who have suffered intense mental anguish, even mental breakdown. Those who have experienced emotional brokenness can understand more fully the mental torment that Jesus went through as He was "made to be sin for us" than those who have not experienced such trauma.
Christ in the Psalms
The Death, Burial and Resurrection, and Ascension Psalms--Psalms 22, 23, and 24
The Golgotha Psalm--Psalm 22
The State of His Mind--Psalm 22:1, 14
The Two Adams--Psalm 8
Psalms About Jesus and Judas--Psalms 41:9; 55:12-14
A Prayer of Faith and Investigation: Psalm 17 and Christ Raised from the Dead in fulfillment of Psalm 16
The Conflict Between the Senses and Faith--Psalm 42
In Confession and Repentance for Sin--Psalms 31, 38, and 40
Another Psalm of Repentance--Psalm 69
And Yet Another Penitential Psalm--Psalm 51
The Seed of David--Psalm 132:11
Justice and Mercy Meet In Christ--Psalm 85:10
"Melchizedek: Priest-King"--Psalm 110
The Cornerstone--Psalm 118:22, 23
The Love Song-Psalm 45
In Summary and Conclusion