*Condition Note: Book is clean and lightly used--almost no cover wear.*
The desire to place in the hands of all Christian workers, instruction bearing specifically upon the need, importance, methods, and reward of earnest, consecrated missionary endeavor, has led to a comprehensive survey of the field of inspired literature, and resulted in bringing together, in convenient form, the quotations comprising this volume, which may appropriately be termed an Encyclopedia of Christian Service.
God's Call to Service
The Call to Young People
Conditions Among God's People
World Conditions Facing the Christian Worker
The Church a Training Center
Students to Do Missionary Work While in Training
Co-operation of Ministers and Laymen
Organizing Christian Forces
Medical Missionary Work
Bible Evangelism
Ministry of the Printed Page
Religious Liberty
Harvest Ingathering
The Church Expansion Movement
Christian Help Work
The Camp-Meeting an Aid in Christian Service
The Home-Foreign Field
Reaching the Wealthy and Influential
The Home a Missionary Training Center
The Prayer and Missionary Meeting
Miscellaneous Lines of Missionary Work
Qualifications for Successful Christian Service
The Holy Spirit
Assurance of Success
Reward of Service
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