Condition note: Book is new/damaged.
Are you feeling discouraged in your walk with Jesus Christ or in your church life? Are the difficulties in your experience and the dysfunctions in church propelling you toward abandoning that which you once loved and gave you hope and purpose? Or, on the contrary, do you characterize your experience as satisfying and perceive that everything is going smoothly, according to God’s plan? How do you classify your position and attitude toward Christ and the church?
Wherever you may stand in your relationship with Christ and His church, let Bly Beamesderfer take you through an ever-important journey of self-reflection as you meditate on pertinent passages of Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy in Classified. The book reveals the ways in which both God and the enemy are at work in our lives individually and in God’s church corporately. How do we as believers—whatever the current condition of our faith—deal with the enemy’s traps and attacks against us? How do we even recognize Satan’s tactics in the first place, and how do we combat them?
Not afraid to ask difficult, probing questions, Bly will help you peel off the dangerous layers of self-deception that, prior to reading this book, you may not have known were there. Most importantly, the book will point you to the only one who can accurately diagnose and effectively cure your spiritual malady—Jesus Christ. As you journey, you will discover that you have some important decisions to make. You will see that Christ has made a way for you, that He offers clear direction in your life, and that He is the One in whom you can place your trust. Bly presents Christ as your Savior who pleads to deliver you safely, who offers to take your hand as a Father would his child’s and a husband would his bride’s. Are you ready?
One Flesh
Advanced Delusions
Scrawny Wheat and Healthy Tares
God's Secret
Thank God for The Lost
The Mountain
Sleeping Sickness and Ho-Hummers
Be The Attitude
Through The Fire