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$4.50 (SRP)

Come to the Quiet / Hohnberger, Jim / (PB/2004-2004/B+/USED)



Book is in gently used condition.


Driving to his office in rush-hour traffic, gagging on the exhaust from a bus in front of him, Jim Hohnberger longed for quiet. The treadmill of life was exacting a toll on Jim's mind, body, and family that had reached unacceptable levels.

A pristine valley encompassing nearly 1,600 square miles of unspoiled American and Canadian wilderness provided the quiet the Hohnbergers sought. But it also proved to be a testing ground for their newfound determination to walk with God and restore their relationships with each other.
Don't be fooled. Come to the Quiet is not about salvation by country living. rather, it is a book about reordering priorities and turning down the volume of busyness, hustle, and hurry so we can connect with God and our families in a way that makes us truly come alive. Along the way are plenty of humorous and touching stories not told in his previous books, of the trials and tribulations this real-life wilderness family endured to secure a lifestyle they believed God called them to experience.
Not everyone is called to retreat to the mountains to find God, but all of us, in our won way, must find the quietness of God's presence. If that's what you're longing for, you've come to the right place.


Table of Contents

1. Off the Treadmill
2. Downsizing
3. Multitude to the Mountain
4. Why Me, Lord?
5. In Thy Shadow
6. We Are Family
7. A Simple Life
8. Mr. Half Days
9. Living the Wild Life
10. I Lift Up My Voice
11. The Big Blow-Up
12. Trial by Fire
13. Embers
14. Frustration
15. Reflections


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