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Counsels on Diet & Foods / White, Ellen G / (PB/1976-1976/B+/USED)



Condition note: Book is gently used and clean. Has some minor spotting on the page edges.


When Ellen G. White in 1864 began to speak and write on proper nutrition and a way of living that took into account nature's laws, average life expectancy in the United States was 32 years; meals, served three, four, or five times a day, were highly spiced, heavy with meats, rich gravies, fried foods, and a vast array of pastries loaded with sugar and fat. Milk was often supplied by cows poorly cared for and sometimes tuberculous. Testing was unknown, and pasteurization was decades away. Except for salting and drying, the science of food preservation was still in the future.

It was in this climate that Ellen White, with a pen dipped in the wisdom and knowledge of the Designer of the human form and the Author of nature's laws, called for a dietary program that was simple, healthful, nutritious, and appetizing.

To this end she spoke for fifty years, writing her views in articles, books, and personal correspondence. Nutritionists today are aware of people's resistance to changes in their diet. Yet Ellen White succeeded in changing the dietary practices of hundreds of thousands who today profitably follow these counsels, now well supported by scientific research.

Counsels on Diet and Foods presents this rich knowledge in topical order for convenient study.


Table of Contents

I Reasons for Reform
II Diet and Spirituality
The Relation of Diet to Morals
III Health Reform and the Third Angel's Message
IV The Proper Dietary
I The Original Diet
II The Simple Diet
III An Adequate Diet
IV Diet in Various Countries
V Physiology of Digestion
VI Improper Eating a Cause of Disease
VII Overeating
VIII Control of Appetite
IX Regularity in Eating
I Number of Meals
II Eating Between Meals
X Fasting
XI Extremes in Diet
XII Diet During Pregnancy
XIII Diet in Childhood
XIV Healthful Cookery
XV Health Foods and Hygienic Restaurants
XVI Sanitarium Dietary
XVII Diet a Rational Remedy
XVIII Fruits, Cereals, and Vegetables
I Fruits
II Grains
III Bread
IV Vegetables
XIX Desserts
I Sugar
II Milk and Sugar
III Pie, Cake, Pastry, Puddings
XX Condiments, Etc.
I Spices and Condiments
II Soda and Baking Powder
III Salt
IV Pickles and Vinegar
XXI Fats
I Butter
II Lard and Grease
III Milk and Cream
IV Olives and Olive Oil
XXII Proteins
I Nuts and Nut Foods
II Eggs
III Cheese
XXIII Flesh Meats (Proteins Continued)
Progressive Dietetic Reform in Seventh-day
Adventist Institutions
XXIV Beverages
I Water Drinking
II Tea and Coffee
III Cereal Substitutes for Tea and Coffee
IV Cider
V Fruit Juice
XXV Teaching Health Principles
I Instruction to Be Given on Health
II How to Present the Principles of Health Reform
III Cooking Schools
I Personal Experience of Ellen G. White as a Health Reformer
II A Statement by James White Relating to the Teaching of Health Reform
General Subject Index


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