*Condition Note: Book is new and in packaging.*
Clear instruction on the Christian's relationship to money and property. A compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White on counsels on stewardship.
Section I. Heaven's Law of Benevolence and Its Purpose
1. Coworkers With God
2. Our Bountiful Benefactor
3. Why God Employs Men as His Almoners
4. The Conflicting Principles of Christ and Satan
5. Beneficence Where Christ Abides
6. Preaching Practical Sermons
Section II. God's Work and Its Support
7. The Lord's Work to Be Maintained
8. Wholehearted Attachment to the Church
9. The Voice of Consecration
10. A Call to Greater Earnestness
11. Selling Homes and Property
Section III. God's Reserves---the Tithe
12. A Test of Loyalty
13. Founded Upon Eternal Principles
14. A Plan Beautiful in Simplicity
15. A Question of Honesty
16. Regularity and System
17. The Message of Malachi
18. Let Us Prove the Lord
19. Appropriating God's Reserve Funds
20. The Response of an Aroused Conscience
21. The Use of the Tithe
22. Education by Ministers and Church Officers
Section IV. To Every Man According to His Ability
23. The Principles of Stewardship
24. Our Talents
25. Responsibilities of the Man With One Talent
26. Robbing God of Rightful Service
27. Facing the Judgment Day
Section V. Stewards of Wealth
28. Wealth an Entrusted Talent
29. Methods of Acquiring Wealth
30. Danger in Prosperity
31. Satan's Wiles
32. Wealth Misused
33. Sympathy for the Poor
Section VI. Liberality Abounding in Poverty
34. Liberality Commended
35. Precious in God's Sight
Section VII. The Wealth of the Gentiles
36. Favors to Be Received as Well as Imparted
37. God Preparing the Way
38. The Harvest Ingathering Work
Section VIII. The True Motives for Acceptable Giving
39. The True Motive in All Service
40. Freewill Offerings
41. Popular Methods of Appeal
Section IX. The Pursuit of Earthly Treasure
42. The Peril of Covetousness
43. Trying to Serve God and Mammon
44. Vain Professors
Section X. The Lure of Speculation
45. Grasping for Riches
46. The Temptation to Speculate
47. Unwise Investments
Section XI. The Tyranny of Debt
48. Living Within the Income
49. Bringing Reproach Upon God's Cause
50. A Call to Prayer or Change of Occupation
51. Lifting Debts on Church Buildings
52. Avoiding Institutional Debts
53. Failing to Count the Cost
54. Moving Forward in Faith
55. Words From a Divine Counselor
Section XII. Saving to Give
56. Left to the Honor of Men
57. Words to the Youth
58. A Plea for Economy
Section XIII. The Sacredness of Vows and Pledges
59. Promises to God Binding
60. The Sin of Ananias
61. A Contract With God
Section XIV. Wills and Legacies
62. Preparation for Death
63. Stewardship a Personal Responsibility
64. Shifting Responsibility to Others
Section XV. The Reward of Faithful Stewardship
65. The Place of Reward as a Motive in Service
66. Treasure in Heaven
67. Temporal Blessings to the Benevolent
68. Sharing in the Joys of the Redeemed
Subject Index
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