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$10.00 (SRP)

Ellen / Ricchiuti, Paul B / (PB/1977-1977/LMD/B+/USED)



*Condition Note: Book is lightly used with minimal cover/corner wear and lightly marked.*


Ellen White walked into human history at the right time with the right message--a message for a world of many changes with men and women trying newfound freedoms. But as the 1800s wore on, a strange sort of unreality began to surround her in the eyes of many Adventists, lifting her up beyond the reach of her fellow believers. The name "Ellen White" became a mystery. People failed to identify with her as a living flesh-and-blood person. In the minds of many she had become a sainted statue, rule book in her hand, the fire of God's condemnation radiating from her eyes.

To this day the problem still exists. Too often, well-meaning but confused persons have been responsible for a hurtful distortion of a gentle and lovely Christian lady, a true prophet of a loving Father in heaven. The words, "Sister White said," have kindled fires of resentment in the hearts of too many Adventists, especially among the young. Her work and words, writings and actions, have been wrongly used as whips on the back and clubs over the head. Yet her lifework was never intended to be used in this manner.

Her lifework instead was intended only to point men, women, youth, and children to the goodness and truth of the Bible and thus to the great and good God of the Bible.

This book was written to show a little more of what Ellen White was like--not as a superwoman or a stone saint, but as a real flesh-and-blood human being such as you yourself are. In this way, maybe the sweet flowing music of a better world that she hear can be heard by you a little more clearly.



A Small War
Orrington Affair
Four Little Boys
River Crossing
Camp-meeting Time
Way Out West
While a City Slept
Summer of '89
Europe--Part One
Europe--Part Two
Ellen's Armor
I Remember
"Sister White Said..."


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