*Condition Note: Book is lightly used and highlighted throughout.*
Author Cindy Tutsch answers the question "If Ellen White wrote a book about how to be a good leader, what would she say?" Ellen White often said that every follower of Christ has influence on others and in that sense, every member is a leader. For the first time, the guidance Ellen White gave to church members and leaders on the topic of leadership appears in one book. While Ellen White did not invent the term 'servant leadership,' she put it to practice in her own life. Leaders are needed at all levels of society. Whether your daily routine includes presiding over church board meetings, scheduling music lessons and soccer games, or planning company strategies for the next year, this helpful book will give you special insight into the life of a servant-leader. And you may be surprised at some of Ellen’s responses to situations you may be likely to encounter today. She opposed centralization of power. She was generous to the poor. She treated the erring with compassion. She was accountable to God. She supported a race-inclusive, gender-inclusive, age-inclusive church.
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