About the Book
The book of Revelation begins with a promise: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Rev. 1:3). God calls us to faithfully study His Word and understand the truths about where we have been, where we are, and where we are going so that we may stand firm in these last days.
An Enduring Vision: Revelation Revealed is an in-depth, verse-by-verse exposition of the book of Revelation. An avid student of the Bible, history, and Spirit of Prophecy, Pastor Austin Cooke thoroughly examines Revelation in light of history and presents a solid interpretation of prophecy based on Bible truth, drawing from sources that date back to the 1700s all the way to recent publications, including current media.
This book will engage you with its in-depth study of history, amaze you as to the accuracy of God's prophecies, and inspire you to be ready for the second advent of Jesus.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Austin Cooke served the Seventh-day Adventist Church as an evangelist for thirty-eight years in Australia and New Zealand before retiring in 1979. Six years after retiring, Austin was impressed to write a series of in-depth expositions on the book of Revelation based on the material he had used in his evangelistic ministry to establish biblical authority. This book is a thorough re-work and update of that series, and is a result of his careful study and research. In 2013, at ninety-six years of age, Austin still regularly preaches, sharing the Adventist message with others and seeking to draw them to Jesus Christ.
“As a new believer it was my privilege to study the book of Revelation with Austin Cooke at his home in Sydney. Our group of young people would gather, Bibles open, and dig into God’s Word. Austin Cooke’s extensive knowledge of Scripture, his contagious passion for communicating the gospel, his effectiveness as a soul winner and his love for others had a powerful effect on my life. I am thrilled by the publication of An Enduring Vision, which contains much of the material I was blessed to study personally with Pastor Cooke. You’ll be blessed as Austin Cooke’s insights into the book of Revelation encourage you to dig deeper into the Word of God, know Jesus better than you’ve ever known Him before and to be ready for His return.”
Pastor John Bradshaw, speaker/director, It is Written
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Posted by ALR on 15th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"As a new believer it was my privilege to study the book of Revelation with Austin Cooke at his home in Sydney. Our group of young people would gather, Bibles open, and dig into God’s Word. Austin Cooke’s extensive knowledge of Scripture, his contagious passion for communicating the gospel, his effectiveness as a soul winner and his love for others had a powerful effect on my life. I am thrilled by the publication of An Enduring Vision, which contains much of the material I was blessed to study personally with Pastor Cooke. You’ll be blessed as Austin Cooke’s insights into the book of Revelation encourage you to dig deeper into the Word of God, know Jesus better than you’ve ever known Him before and to be ready for His return."
~ Pr John Bradshaw, speaker/director, It is Written
Posted by ALR on 15th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
As a historian, academic and presenter, I am impressed by the research and extent of documentation available in this book. I served in Austin Cooke’s evangelistic teams. In this volume he has distilled the convincing evidence for the accuracy of Biblical prophecy and historicism. While this work is scholarly in nature, it is very readable. If you want to be informed and inspired, then read this book.
~ Dr Allan Lindsay, Historian and Adventist Media presenter
Posted by ALR on 15th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
“Austin Cooke’s commentary on the book of Revelation is one of the most extensive books that present traditional historicism from an Adventist perspective. It contains a rich collection of historical sources that provide credible evidence for the fulfillment of prophecies throughout history. The author successfully argues the validity of the historicist approach to prophecy in a time when interpretations influenced by historical criticism, futurism, and idealism confuse belief in the historical milestones that mark the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.”
P. Gerard Damsteegt, Dr. Theol.
Dept. of Church History, Andrews University
Posted by ALR on 15th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
“From his long and deep association with the book of Revelation, Pastor Austin Cooke has produced this thoughtful and sound work. It is strongly recommended to every reader interested in prophecy.”
~ William H. Shea, MD, PhD
Retired, Biblical Research Institute
Posted by ALR on 15th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
“I have edited and reviewed many books about Bible prophecy and the books of Daniel and Revelation, and this book may be the most extensive and well-documented volume I have come across. Scholarly in nature, it is also easy to read and understand for the average Bible student. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit played an important role in this exposition. Whenever the author would encounter a difficult passage, which many other commentators had bypassed, he would pray for special guidance and understanding before retiring for the night. Without fail, he would awake in the early hours with the explanation clear in his mind.”
Kalie Kelch
Editor, TEACH Services, Inc.