“Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?” Psalm 77:13
If you think the Old Testament feast days are outdated and of no interest to Christians living in the twenty-first century, think again! Within the feast days lies the entire gospel message of salvation—every feast says something about Jesus: who He is, what He is doing, and what He will do in the future.
Feast Days for the Contemporary Mind will open your eyes to the amazing truths about salvation that God wove into the feasts He gave to the Israelites to observe. Pastor Craig Martin Barnes explores each of the seven feasts and the antitypical fulfillment of each event as it relates to our redemption.
This book plunges you into the Word of God, examining the Old and New Testament as it relates to the feast days and their completion and providing detailed commentary that expounds upon the subject matter and guides you to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ life, death, and heavenly ministry.
There is a preview of this book available (link will open in a new window).
Posted by J.Fred C. on 28th May 2014
What a refreshing and enlightening read! Not only do I appreciate the feasts of the Old Testament much more but I also understand the plan of salvation better for having studied this resource. I really appreciate the way he has footnoted and provided appendices to clarify several related issues. Fred