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God's Word: Bulletproof / Imhof, Michael / Paperback / LSI

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About the Book 

“As one looks at history, archeological evidence, science, and common sense reasoning, and then studies the Bible, one can only conclude that the Bible is, in fact, the inspired Word of God.”

Building on this premise, author Michael Imhof sets out to prove the validity, truthfulness, and reliability of the Bible as a book inspired by God. Although written by many men over approximately 1,500 years, he shows through prophecy, science, and archaeology that the sixty-six books form a cohesive unit.

While on assignment in the Middle East, Commander Imhof was privileged to visit many sites where familiar Bible stories took place. Observing artifacts recovered during archaeological digs that affirm those stories increased his interest in studying the Bible for himself. In so doing, not only did he confirm the inspiration of the Bible, but he met the Author and dedicated his life to Jesus Christ.

If you’ve ever had doubts about the integrity of the Bible, this book is for you. If you read it with an open mind and a prayer for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, you will be convinced that the Bible is indeed God’s Word.

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Michael Imhof

Commander Michael H. Imhof, U.S. Navy (ret.), and former Navy SEAL was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and raised in Blasdell, New York. He attended the State University College of New York at Buffalo, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree. He was commissioned in 1973. After completing Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training,

Commander Imhof was assigned to SEAL Team TWO, subsequent Naval Special Warfare commands, and other duty assignments. A graduate of the U.S. Army Special Forces Officer Qualification Course, he also earned a Master's Degree in Administration from George Washington University and served as an instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy. He has numerous service awards.

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Product Reviews

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  1. This book is for you. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “People today struggle more and more with the adage ‘can you believe what you’re being told, taught or sold?’ Commander Imhof gives a unique approach toward securing the perimeter of confidence you can have in the Bible/Gospel message. The reader gets to experience, through the author’s eyes, his own personal experiences when traveling in the Middle East. You are presented with historical, archeological, scientific, and biblical proofs that bring comfort as you realize all that God has done in order to substantiate His Word, His Son, and His Message. I personally found God’s Word: Bulletproof to be on target, bringing enlightening information, and resulting in increased comfort, and assurance towards my own faith.

    If you’re searching, and/or questioning the validity of the Bible, or the Gospel message, this book is for you; if you feel inadequate or ill equipped to give a reasonable defense for your faith, this book is for you! If you’re desiring more comforting assurance that what you’re believing in is solid and true, this book is for you.”
    —Mark Berney/Sr. Pastor

  2. A primer to anyone new to true Christianity 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “As a Police Officer for over 40 years and a retired Chief of Police, I value the direct and straightforward approach Commander Michael Imhof uses in his writing style. I have heard the Commander speak on various subjects, and while reading this book, I can hear his voice in every sentence he wrote. I perceived, while reading the Bible Scriptures cited in support of his research, that the ‘passages were resonating with direct knowledge from God.’ The cited passages and his research would prove beyond any reasonable doubt in a court of law that these events took place, and that there was divine intervention influencing the course of history.
    I ‘highly recommend’ this book as a primer to anyone new to true Christianity. I also ‘highly recommend’ this book as a reference document for anyone who is an avid reader of the Bible."
    —Nick Ficarello/Chief of Police (ret.)

  3. Highly recommended 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Mike has compiled an excellent resource of clear, concise material that conveys to the reader the veracity of the Bible. “Highly recommended,” particularly for those engaged in ministry, and others as well.”
    —Peter Outar/Sr. Pastor

  4. Passes the credibility test 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Many years in communication roles as a trial lawyer, college professor and commentator, conditioned me when examining a new book or essay to think first and foremost about credibility. For a thinking person and a sincere truth-seeker a work of dubious credibility has little merit even though it may have “dramatic appeal” or some other meretricious attribute that would lead people to read it. But some of us have no interest in any work that cannot withstand the scrutiny aimed at determining the credibility of the author and his work.
    Commander Imhof’s book, God’s Word: Bulletproof, passes the credibility test.
    Indeed, the credibility and the background of the author is perhaps the book’s greatest asset. Very few human beings can lay claim to the achievements and experiences of Commander Imhof. He sees our world from a rare, if not unique, perspective, and one certainly not generally perceived as “religious”. But that enhances the credibility factor.
    That perspective, the subject of this book, and Commander Imhof’s purposes in writing it, place it perhaps in a genre of one. I dare say there is no other book even similar to this.
    The author recognized that throughout the 19th., 20th. and early 21st. Centuries, archaeology and history have been, piece by piece with no plan or intent, disassembling the edifice of secular unbelief. New revelations in each discipline have been debunking the views and arguments of the secular minded, the unbelieving, the skeptical. No longer are Sodom and Gomorrah myths contrived to teach a moral lesson; they are scenes east of the Dead Sea littered with bones, ash and the evidences of fiery destruction. It is becoming, as Commander Imhof shows, more and more difficult to be simultaneously “scientific” and unbelieving. Indeed, it seems a new pseudo religion has been gradually devised to sustain many in their determined and purposeless opposition to faith.
    But for those who are searching for Truth, not corroboration of prejudices or ideological fallacies, Commander Imhof offers up facts and analysis buttressed with logic, tying it all very conveniently together with pertinent Scripture. That aggregation of Biblical authority alone is a service to the reader.
    God’s Word: Bulletproof is a warrior’s way—and of all people, warriors must deal in reality—of demonstrating something of immense value to the author: his own faith. It surely will affirm the faith of those who already believe, and most importantly, create in the minds of skeptics reasons not for doubt but for belief. In either case, it will have served a great purpose.”
    —Ivy Scarborough/Lawyer/former University Professor of International Studies and History, and author (Into the Night—The Crisis of Western Civilization)

  5. Excellent Job 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Commander Imhof has done an ‘excellent job’ of providing condensed points of proof in demonstrating that the Bible cannot be explained in any other way except via supernatural origin. His personal touch, relative to his extensive travels in the land of the Book, only adds to the intrigue and validity of the content of what he writes. The reader will be amazed by how rational it is to trust this ancient text.”
    —Carl Wagner/Sr. Pastor

  6. Underscore the veracity of God’s Word as well as His faithfulness in keeping His Word 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Commander Michael Imhof (ret.) writes in a conversational style which encourages the reader to accompany him as he reminisces of his past journeys into the biblical region of the Middle East. In doing so, he is reminded of significant biblical prophecies and events that have emphasized on the Gospel—the Lord Jesus Christ himself. This ‘book continues to underscore the veracity of God’s Word as well as His faithfulness in keeping His Word.’ Imhof further supports his understanding of the biblical prophecies with relevant historical accounts and written archaeological evidences. From a military analogy and scientific perspective, God’s Word is indeed bulletproof to any intent to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ the God-designed truths.”
    —Rev. Dr. Rachel Rajagopal/Founder, Faith Ablaze International Ministries/Ambassador, Acacia Mission/Langham Author (Unashamed Servant-Leadership)

  7. Do not miss the opportunity to reinforce your own Christian values.. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Commander Michael Imhof’s strong Christian values are evident in this easy-to-read, scripture-based book. Commander Imhof’s personal travels backdrop key Bible passages; like his views of Mt. Sinai and the location of Noah’s Ark as well as his confirmation of the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah through archeological offerings. ‘Do not miss the opportunity to reinforce your own Christian values’ through the well-documented contents of this book.”
    —Chet Truskowski/Executive (ret.)/Chairman of Board (former)/Bishop’s Advisory Development Board Diocese Member

  8. "exceptionally enjoyable" 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Michael Imhof is a tremendous man of God. He is extremely knowledgeable of God’s Word as well as being a great writer. His new book, “God’s Word: Bulletproof,” was ‘exceptionally enjoyable’. I would be proud to have this book among my library of references. Reading this brought back fond memories of my trip to the Holy Land a few years ago. I’m sure I will refer to places and events in this book many times.”
    —Loyce Webb/Sr. Pastor

  9. ‘This is a book to be handed out to people of all levels of faith and walks of life.’ 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “I was ‘touched emotionally and intellectually’ as I imagined walking along with Commander Michael Imhof as I read his words in this book. Through his dissertation, I saw the Lord at work setting up markers that would stand throughout history. There were times when I had to stop and ponder what I had just read in order to digest the words, and then enthusiastically reread them.
    ‘This is a book to be handed out to people of all levels of faith and walks of life.’
    Michael’s other writings have been used throughout the world, and I pray for the Lord’s doors to be open for this book in order to draw many to God’s goodness and authenticity.”
    —Patricia Plummer, President/Founder of Heart of Prayer Ministries, Inc., marketplace nonprofit ministry to business, government, and school leaders

  10. Riveting account of evidence and discovery 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “This riveting account of evidence and discovery brings the Bible to life. Readers will be thirsty for more as the author blends his personal experience of exploring the Middle East with archeological and scriptural research. Its clearly prepared pages will draw your mind to Christ and inspire you to dig deeper.”
    —Timothy Hullquist/Consultant

  11. "Could not put this book down!" 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 8th Dec 2020

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Get Ready! Commander Michael Imhof will take you along with him reliving his many exciting trips throughout the Middle East, showing you all these places Almighty God and Jesus (Elohim) spoke of in the Holy Bible. Commander Imhof shows us how history and science confirm the Truth, quoting the Word of God. Could not put this book down!”
    —John A. Sterba, M.D., Ph.D., FACEP/Missionary, Saved by Grace Ministry, Inc./Commander, Medical Corps, USNR (Hon. Dis.)

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