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Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan--COTA #5 / White, Ellen G / (HB/1950-1950/CEN/B+/USED)



*Condition Note: Book is well used with light cover wear on corners/spine and lightly marked.*


This book opens with the sad closing scenes of Jerusalem's history, the city of God's chosen, after her rejection of the Man of Calvary, who came to save. Thence onward along the great highway of the nations, it points us to the persecutions of God's children in the first centuries; the great apostasy which followed in His church; the world-awakening of the Reformation, in which some of the great principles of the controversy are clearly manifest; the awful lesson of the rejection of right principles by France; the revival and exaltation of the Scriptures, and their beneficent, life-saving influence; the religious awakening of the last days; the unsealing of the radiant fountain of God's word, with its wonderful revelations of light and knowledge to meet the baleful upspringing of every delusion of darkness.



1. The Destruction of Jerusalem
2. Persecution in the First Centuries
3. An Era of Spiritual Darkness (The Apostasy)
4. The Waldenses
5. John Wycliffe
6. Huss and Jerome
7. Luther's Separation From Rome
8. Luther Before the Diet
9. The Swiss Reformer
10. Progress of Reform in Germany
11. Protest of the Princes
12. The French Reformation
13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia
14. Later English Reformers
15. The Bible and the French Revolution
16. The Pilgrim Fathers
17. Heralds of the Morning
18. An American Reformer
19. Light Through Darkness
20. A Great Religious Awakening
21. A Warning Rejected
22. Prophecies Fulfilled
23. What Is the Sanctuary?
24. In the Holy of Holies
25. God's Law Immutable
26. A Work of Reform
27. Modern Revivals
28. Facing Life's Record (The Investigative Judgment)
29. The Origin of Evil
30. Enmity Between Man and Satan
31. Agency of Evil Spirits
32. Snares of Satan
33. The First Great Deception
34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us? (Spiritualism)
35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened (Aims of the Papacy)
36. The Impending Conflict
37. The Scriptures a Safeguard
38. The Final Warning
39. The Time of Trouble
40. God's People Delivered
41. Desolation of the Earth
42. The Controversy Ended
Index of Scripture References
General Index


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