*Condition Note: Book is gently used and heavily marked in limited spots. Has an owner mark and noting in limited spots.*
The claimed errors of Scripture and the Spirit of Prophecy are examined in detail and refuted. The book sets forth the inerrant, infallible character of God-inspired messages. It establishes our faith, essential for those who love and trust God and truly desire salvation. It sets forth and exposes the fearful sophistries which are deceiving God s people today. This is a book for every church leader, theologian, pastor, elder and member. It is a book for its time. Ecumenism is now substituted for the preaching of the Three Angles Messages. Sabbath desecration has replaced God's holy day. The sanctuary message is denied or at best spurned. Secular education is offered in place of Christian education. The health message is largely ignored. The prophecies of Daniel & Revelations are distorted. Obedience to God's law is set forth as an impossibility. Worship services frequently blaspheme our God. Sport & entertainment replace earnest study on the Word. Our youth magazines have reached an appalling low. The blessed hope of Christ's Second Coming is scarcely mentioned, let alone the necessity of character perfection as a requirement for readiness. Political considerations, rather than the possession of godliness of character, now dominate our selection of church leaders. In short, at every level of our beloved church, worldwide, the Omega of Apostasy is dominant.
A Tragic History
Conferences to alter Faith
Divine History
The Health Message
An Ineffective Ministry
Was Sister White a Prophet?
The Remnant Church
From Doubt to Trust
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