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Hidden Treasure Revealed with Bible Study Answers - Spiral Edition / Dunnewin, Nancy A. / Spiral Plastic



About the Book 

This book of Bible studies is designed to encourage the reader to not only read but MEMORIZE God’s Word. We are told to, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. 6:11, KJV). Part of this preparation for battle is knowing God’s Word and hiding it in our hearts through study and memorization.

As you work through the various topics in this book—baptism, salvation, trusting in God, and so many more—you will answer questions designed to make you think more thoroughly about how each affects your relationship with God and His promise of eternal life. After studying a particular subject, the reader is invited to memorize Bible texts associated with it by reading the first two words of a verse followed by the first letter of the words following. You may also use the codes found in this book to mark your Bible according to a topic.

May God bless you, reader, as you commit to studying and memorizing God’s Word, searching as you would for hidden treasure.

Available in PAPERBACK, SPIRAL, and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Nancy Dunnewin

Nancy Dunnewin has worked for many years in evangelism in different capacities—often with children. With Feeding His Lambs Ministries, she designed Bible lessons and evangelistic series for kids and worked with VBS and other child-oriented endeavors. Creating children's programing was the highlight of her life. She attended Southwestern Adventist University in Keene, Texas, studying elementary education and art. Nancy is currently retired and lives in eastern Washington state, where, in her spare time, she enjoys taking walks, riding horses, working Bible crossword puzzles, and helping others.

For the paperback edition of the book, click HERE.


For more books by the author, click HERE.

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Product Reviews

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  1. An inspiration and blessing 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Jan 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “This book has been an inspiration and blessing to me. Not only is it a thorough Bible study on biblical doctrinal truths, but a practical way to put them in our memory more easily. It is a great tool for devotional study, as well as sharing these important truths with others. And it’s amazing how quickly the texts can be memorized using this simple approach. It is laid out in a complete and convenient way to master these topics.”
    ~ Laura Westbrook

  2. Refreshing clarity and simplicity 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Jan 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Refreshing clarity and simplicity—Bible topics in Hidden Treasures and Bible Study Answers are put together in a way that offers insight and inspires the desire to study more. It is also an excellent tool to use for personal or group Bible memorization. Thank you, Nancy, for your dedication in compiling a valuable study book for Bible students of all ages. ‘THY WORD IS A LAMP UNTO MY FEET, AND A LIGHT UNTO MY PATH’ (Ps. 119:105).”
    —Pat Marsh, Retired RN, Washington

  3. Perfect Resource 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Jan 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “Nancy Dunnewin’s latest book from Teach Services is the perfect resource for preparing Bible studies, engaging in Bible memorization, or marking out a topical chain reference in your own Bible. Dunnewin includes major topics of interest for Seventh-day Adventists who are anxiously awaiting ‘that day’ (1 Thess 5:4).”
    —Stephen Reasor, Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Burman University

  4. What a great tool! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Jan 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “In a world of distractions, this is a refreshing call back to the basics. Twenty-five essential topics presented concisely from the Bible itself, with tips for Bible marking and memorization. What a great tool!”
    —Ken LeBrun, Pastor

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