*Condition Note: Book is clean and like new.*
Today, thinking men and women have their attention fixed upon the events taking place around us. But if we boil down the issues, it really comes down to love or war. This book pulls the curtain back on the story of good and evil, love and war and begins with a war in the cosmos and ends with the new beginning on earth 2.0. You may think you've heard this story, but you owe it to yourself to understand the underlying issues and why the story of earth 1.0 is soon to enter a moment foretold long ago by the oracles in the sacred writings...something unlike anyone is prepared for.
Introduction--Moments Matter
Episode 1-- Coup d'e'jah
Episode 2--The Mystery
Episode 3--The Storm
Episode 4--The Desert
Episode 5--My Confession
Episode 6--The New World
Episode 7--Divide and Conquer
Episode 8--In God We Trust
Episode 9 --The Black Swan
Episode 10--Earth 2.0
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