This book is a compilation of some exciting stories on how giving changes people's lives. These stories have been collected from several years of the column "Philosophy of Philanthropy" that runs in the PSI's (Philanthropic Service of Institutions) newsletter, The Philanthropic Dollar.
Some of the stories included in the volume are as follows:
- A Gift to the Future
- I Lived in Iowa and I Didn't Plant a Tree
- Bushwhacked by Generosity
- Could I Have Some Water?
- An Opportunity for Blisters
- Gift in a Brown Paper Bag
- The Choir Dress
- Angels in Bangkok
- Wrapped in Love
- The Note Posted above My Computer
- When Mount Everest Goes Jogging
- The Soaking Wet Gift
- No Price Tag Attached
- Popcorn Love
- Giving a Year of My Life
- Love Lifted Me
- The Selfish Flashlight