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$11.50 (SRP)

My Dear Brother M... / Gordon, Paul A / (PB/1997-1997/A-/USED)



*Condition Note: Book is gently used and clean. *


A personal letter, eagerly opened. But the opening words cause a trembling of the fingers. "My Dear Brother M: I was shown some things in reference to you."

A letter from a prophet of God.

We've had the Testimonies bound and resting on our shelves for so long we can almost forget that many of the words inside are personal ones. We can almost forget the crises both of denominational and individual that led to the letters and messages recorded there.

But behind every testimony is a story. And every story is about a person-- a church leader, a young woman a pastor, a housewife--for whom God had a special message.

With stories chosen from each volume, Paul Gordon, former secretary of the E. G. White Estate, shares insights into the individuals and circumstances involved. But more than that, he opens our eyes to the person who wrote the messages. The joy and the pain of the work to which God called her comes through as she shares much about her personal life. Did you know:

Ellen White sometimes thought that she would rather die than have another vision that required her to reprove or warn someone?

Her writing of the Testimonies began just as she thought that her work as a prophet might finally be over?

She was sued for libel because of something she wrote in Testimonies?

Knowing why these letters were written can open our eyes to how each message might apply to our lives.



Why the Testimonies Were Given to Seventh-day Adventist Church

Introduction to Volume 1: 1855-1868

Introduction to Volume 2: 1868-1871

Introduction to Volume 3: 1872-1875

Introduction to Volume 4: 1875-1881

Introduction to Volume 5: 1882-1889

Introduction to Volume 6: 1891-1900

Introduction to Volume 7: 1900-1902

Introduction to Volume 8: 1903,1904

Introduction to Volume 9: 1904-1909



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