*Condition Note: Moderate cover wear.*
To many people the world is a confused mass of conflicting forces, circumstances, and opinions. To them nothing seems to make sense; they find themselves on a treadmill of existence, trying to keep their heads above the flood of uncertainty. The past is irrelevant, the present unfocused, the future unknown.
From a deep wellspring of Bible study, Christian experience, and active ministry, H. M. S. Richards presents a comprehensive concept of the powers that have shaped our world, and of the Power that holds its future. God's original plan, although ambushed by our own intransigence will be achieved. Those who align themselves with His divine will, will obtain the everlasting satisfaction and happiness He intended for all creatures. This world, under one divine Ruler, will find its place in peace and harmony in an ordered universe.
"The Voice of Prophecy"
"In the Beginning God"
Creation and Re-creation
The Holy Bible--Word of God
The Holy Spirit
The Angels and Their Work
The Enemy of Christ
Solving the Mystery of Death
The Privilege of Prayer
The Baptism of Christ
The Lord's Day of Jesus
God Has Great Plans for You
The Bible Tells You How to Keep Well
Modern Nations in Bible Prophecy
The Hand of God in History
God Still Leads
The Church and Its Future
The Prophecy of Revelation Thirteen
Worldwide Message for Today
How God Justifies Ungodly People
What Christ Said of Our Day
The War of Armageddon
The Coming Day of the Lord
"So Great Salvation"
God's One World
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