*Condition Note: Former library book is very well used with the spine coming loose in front and back. The book is clean and has much use remaining with careful handling.*
Tracing the great conflict between good and evil from its beginnings down through the centuries to the time of David's death, indicating God's infinite love for mankind by His dealings with the "holy men of old." We are shown why sin was permitted, why Satan was not destroyed, and why man was tested. Gives a thrilling description of man's temptation and fall, and rehearses the plan of redemption devised for his salvation.
Table of Contents
- Why Was Sin Permitted?
- The Creation
- The Temptation and Fall
- The Plan of Redemption
- Cain and Abel Tested
- Seth and Enoch
- The Flood
- After the Flood
- The Literal Week
- The Tower of Babel
- The Call of Abraham
- Abraham in Canaan
- The Test of Faith
- Destruction of Sodom
- The Marriage of Isaac
- Jacob and Esau
- Jacob's Flight and Exile
- The Night of Wrestling
- The Return to Canaan
- Joseph in Egypt
- Joseph and His Brothers
- Moses
- The Plagues of Egypt
- The Passover
- The Exodus
- From the Red Sea to Sinai
- The Law Given to Israel
- Idolatry at Sinai
- Satan's Enmity Against the Law
- The Tabernacle and Its Services
- The Sin of Nadab and Abihu
- The Law and the Covenants
- From Sinai to Kadesh
- The Twelve Spies
- The Rebellion of Korah
- In the Wilderness
- The Smitten Rock
- The Journey Around Edom
- The Conquest of Bashan
- Balaam
- Apostasy at the Jordan
- The Law Repeated
- The Death of Moses
- Crossing the Jordan
- The Fall of Jericho
- The Blessings and the Curses
- League With the Gibeonites
- The Division of Canaan
- The Last Words of Joshua
- Tithes and Offerings
- God's Care for the Poor
- The Annual Feasts
- The Earlier Judges
- Samson
- The Child Samuel
- Eli and His Sons
- The Ark Taken by the Philistines
- The Schools of the Prophets
- The First King of Israel
- The Presumption of Saul
- Saul Rejected
- The Anointing of David
- David and Goliath
- David a Fugitive
- The Magnanimity of David
- The Death of Saul
- Ancient and Modern Sorcery
- David at Ziklag
- David Called to the Throne
- The Reign of David
- David's Sin and Repentance
- The Rebellion of Absalom
- The Last Years of David
Index to Scriptures
General Index
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