The purpose of this book is to vindicate the real gospel and to clear up gospel misconceptions that have been plaguing the church for decades. After accomplishing this objective, the reader can now present this gospel as shown in the Scriptures and fully backed through the writings of Ellen G. White. We must unite on this platform of truth, fulfill the prayer of Christ in John 17 and speak with one voice, or risk the chance of being a castaway and shaken out of His Church when Christ begins to “thoroughly purge his floor” Matt. 3:12.
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Posted by Aron C. on 4th Jan 2017
I am grateful for the well documented information, and the response to the "opposing" position. The responses can sometimes be dragged out and overstated. But my biggest concern with the book is the attitude with which the information is conveyed. Heiks seems harsh spirited and down right antagonistic, condemnatory and self-righteous at times. I can understand his passion for truth, wanted to making clear statements on the issue, but any reader (on any side of the issue) will instantly sense an atmosphere of arrogance in the polemic presented.
For a similar book on the topic I would highly recommend is The Nature of Christ by Roy Adams. He presents the topic with a much better spirit and attitude, and in a much more concise way.