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Spiritual Gifts (Set of 2) I-II & III-IV / White, Ellen G / (HB/1945-1945/LST/B+/USED)



*Condition Note: Set is very gently used, clean, and has minor discoloration on the page edges and end papers.*


The original volumes bearing this title were known by their subtitle Facts of Faith. Among the most treasured volumes in the libraries of many of the older Seventh-day Adventist workers are the early editions of the E. G. White books, particularly "Spiritual Gifts," Volumes I-IV, published from 1858 to 1864. Through the passage of the years the fuller E. G. White presentations have replaced these small original volumes, which have become quite rare and much sought after. As a service to a greatly expanding worker and student group these original printings are now reissued in facsimile for and made available to all who desire them. 

Volume I. The Great Controversy Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels, by Ellen G. White, Battle Creek, Mich, Published by James White, 1858.

Volume II. My Christian Experience, Views and Labors in Connection With the Rise and Progress of the Third Angel’s Message. Ellen G. White. Battle Creek, Mich., Published by James White. 1860.

Volume III. Important Facts of Faith, in Connection with the History of Holy Men of Old. Ellen G. White. Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.

Volume IV. Important Facts of Faith: Laws of Health and Testimonies Nos. 1-10. Ellen G. White. Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. Battle Creek, Mich.: 1864.


Table of Contents

Volume 1:

Spiritual Gifts
The Fall of Satan
The Fall of Man
The plan of Salvation
The First Advent of Christ
The Ministry of Christ
The Transfiguration
The Betrayal of Christ
The Trial of Christ
The Crucifixion of Christ
The Resurrection of Christ
The Ascension of Christ
The Disciples of Christ
The Death of Stephen 
The Conversion of Saul
The Jews Decided to Kill Paul
Paul Visited Jerusalem
The Great Apostasy
Mystery of Iniquity
Death, not Eternal Life in Misery
The Reformation
The Church and World United
Wm. Miller
The First Angel's Message
Advent Movement Illustrated
The sanctuary
The Third Angel's Massage
A Firm Platform,
The Shaking
The Sins of Babylon
The Loud Cry
The Third Message Closed
The Time of Jacob's Trouble
Deliverance of the Saints Rewards
The Earth Desolated
The Second Resurrection
The Second Death

Volume 2:

Spiritual Gift
The Temptation and Fall
Cain and Abel
Adam's Life

Seth and Enoch
Crime before the Flood
The Flood
After The Flood
Disguised Infidelity
Tower of Babel
Jacob and Esau
Jacob and the Angel
Joseph and His Brother
The Plagues on Egypt
The Passover
Israel Leaves Egypt
Their Journeyings
The Law of God

 Volume 3: 

Spiritual Gifts
The Creation
The Temptation and Fall
Cain and Abel
Adam's Life
Seth and Enoch
Crime Before the Flood
The Flood
After the Flood
Disguised Infidelity
Tower of Babel
Jacob and Esau
Jacob and the Angel
Joseph and His Brethren
The Plagues on Egypt
The Passover
Israel Leaves Egypt
Their Journeyings
The Law of God

Volume 4:

 The Sanctuary
Strange Fire
The Quails
Caleb and Joshua
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
Aaron's Rod
Moses Sinned
Fiery Serpents
Death of Moses
Samuel and Saul 
The Ark of God
The Messiah
Delusions of Progression

Testimony for the Church, Nos. 1-10

Lack of Consecration
The Two Ways
Be Zealous and Repent
Answer to Prayer
Slackness Reproved
Great Distress Coming, and God's People not Prepared for it
Family Religion
Dangers and Duty of Ministers
Dangers of the Young


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