These books are intended for very young children. The idea was born in the heart of a mother who wanted to make scripture interesting to her three-year-old. The result was so amazing that we are passing it on to you with the prayer that it will bless your family as it has ours. Using our first illustrated book, Psalm 23, oour son was repeating the chapter from memory within a couple of weeks. He loved the simple illustrations and wanted it read to him over and over. More chapters were illustrated, and we found the same interest and similar results. In our experience we find the "why stage" of a child the prime time to begin these scripture books. The very simple ones, such as the Lord's Prayer and Psalm 23, can be started even earlier.
Children love repetition and through that repetition unconsciously memorize material read to them. We have been amazed how early simple concepts are grasped. The pictures hold their attention and provoke questions that encourage spiritual discussion with the parent. The songs reinforce the idea and add interest for the child. Becoming familiar with the actual wording of the Bible will make them comfortable with reading it as they grow older. The large print makes reading easier for the child when they are old enough to begin. (However, early reading should not be encouraged as time is needed for eye and nerve development.) Memorization makes the recognition and pronunciation of words easier.
Children need a clear understanding of truth to shield them from the confusion all about. Since children love repetiton, reading the scriptures for worship, nap times, and in between times leads to rapid learning of Bible texts and principles. The same power that created the worlds is in the Bible. It is the Word of God. That power working in our lives and in the lives of our little ones can cleanse from sin and give strength to stand for right.
"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." Psalm 119:11