The most complete and up to date material to understand the vision of Revelation 4 & 5, expressed in a simple language and with graphics which make its understanding easy. In addition, this work includes all the basic biblical evidences for the understanding and meaning of its symbols and the projected scene. Endorsed by the oldest and most recent views in the history of the Christian and Adventist interpretation, it is confirmed by the most complete study of all the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, including those which had not been previously published.
Dr. Alberto R. Treiyer was born in the Adventist community of Libertador San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina, on January 25, 1948. Blood from Switzerland, Germany, and Spain runs through his veins. Being the great-grandson of Seventh-day Adventists, he studied all three educational levels - primary, high-school, and college - in Adventist institutions. Providence determined for him to achieve only a few philosophy courses at the University level, as well as his doctoral degree in theology, in Catholic and Protestant universities, respectively. |