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Time of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection, The #4 / Bacchiocchi, Samuele / (PB/1985-1985/ORG/B+/USED)

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Condition note: Book is lightly used and clean. Minimal cover wear.


Several Christian churches in recent years have adopted as one of their fundamental beliefs, the view that Christ was entombed on a Wednesday afternoon and that He resurrected exactly seventy two hours later on a Saturday afternoon. Great importance is attached to a full three days and three nights entombment of Christ. The latter is regarded as the sign par excellence given by Christ as proof of His Messiahship.
In The Time of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection Dr. Samuele Bacchiocchi examines at great length each of three crucial texts adduced in support of the Wednesday Crucifixion dating. His aim is to help those who hold such a view, to recognize the weaknesses of their interpretations and to accept the trustworthiness of the traditional chronology of the Friday-Crucifixion and Sunday-Resurrection of Christ.
This new edition includes five chapters dealing with the following related topics: the reckoning of the day in Bible times, the reckoning of the Sabbath today, the meaning of Christ death, the heavenly ministry of Christ and the sabbatical topologies of Messianic redemption in the Old Testament. Special attention is given to the heavenly phase of Christ's redemptive ministry, because of its importance for understanding how Christ is bringing to consummation the redemption already accomplished on this earth.
The book has been written in a clear, non-technical style with the earnest desire to help Christians appreciate more fully not merely the time element of Christ's death, but primarily the full scope of Christ's redemptive ministry, which includes His earthly atonement, heavenly ministry and final restoration at His second Advent.


Table of Contents

1. The Wednesday Crucifixion and the Saturday Resurrection
Arguments for the Wednesday Crucifixion

2. The Sign of Jonah
The Duration of the Entombment
The Sign of the Resurrection
Inclusive Reckoning
On the Third Day
First Day Appearances
Chronology of Passion Weekend
Notes on Chapter II

3. The Day Of the Crucifixion
Preparation Day
A High Day
Preparation of the Passover
Notes on Chapter III

4. The Day Of the Resurrection
Late or After?
Sunrise to Sunrise
Notes on Chapter IV

5. The Reckoning Of The Day In Bible Times
Three Major Views
Sunset to Sunset
Sunrise to Sunrise
Coexistence of Two Reckonings
Notes on Chapter V

6. The Reckoning Of The Sabbath Today
From 6 p.m. to 6 p.m.
From Sunset to Sunset
Sabbath Reckoning in the Arctic
Sabbath Reckoning Today
Equatorial Sunset Time for the Artic
Notes on Chapter VI

7. The Meaning Of Christ's Death
Christ's Death Reveals God's Love
Christ's Death is a Substitutionary Sacrifice for Sinners
Christ's Death Reveals God's Judgment on Sin
Christ's Death Satisfies Divine Justice
Christ's Death Reconciles Us to God
Christ's Death Qualifies Him for His
Mediatorial Ministry

8. Christ's Heavenly Ministry
The Reality of the Heavenly Sanctuary
Vertical Correspondence
The Heavenly Sanctuary in Psalms and Prophetic Books
The Heavenly Sanctuary in Revelation
The Heavenly Sanctuary in Hebrews
The Nature of Christ's Heavenly Ministry
The First Phase of Christ's Heavenly Ministry
The Priestly Office of Christ
The Intercessory Work of Christ
The Final Phase of Christ's Heavenly Ministry
The Typology of the Day of Atonement
The Heavenly Antitypical Day of Atonement
The Pre-Advent Judgement in Heaven
Notes on Chapter VIII

9. The Sabbath and Salvation
The Primordial Sabbath
Peace and Harmony
Material Prosperity
Delight and Light
The Sabbath Rest
Messianic Rest
The Sabbath Liberation
The Weekly Sabbath and Redemption
The Sabbath and Passover
The Sabbath and the Day of Atonement
The Sabbath Years and Redemption

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