*Condition Note: Book is in good and very clean condition.*
Something mysterious is going on on vacant thirty-sixth floor --Something so awesome that it requires all the computing power in thr whole skyscraper. At the center of it all is Simon. Simon surfs the future and quarries the past, and helps Tony trace the great conflict between good and evil from the time of the apostles into the future, Slowly Tony is drawn ever deeper into a long-forgotten world of raging storms and shipwrecks and cave dwellers and visions of three angels with a startling message about the day of the sun, a scary beast, and final glory. The Truth Trackers wil keep you right on the edge of your virtual reality cockpit.
Big City Blues
Homeless and Hopeless
Getting Ready
Caught By the Police
Swamp Monsters
Prison visit
Power Struggle
The Courage of Columba
Voice From the Darkness
Going Underground
Digging In With Dr. Abbott
Family Matters
Champions of Truth
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