Condition note: Book is lightly used and clean.
In the book Women in the Church, Dr. Bacchiocchi provides a much needed balanced interpretation and application of the overall Biblical teachings on the role of women in the church. The reason for this Biblical distinction derives not from the cultural conventions of the times, but from the distinct and yet complimentary roles for men and women established by God at creation.
Paper Back
Publisher: Biblical Perspectives
Printed: 1987
Pages: 320
1. Ministry of Women in the Old Testament
—Man and Woman at Creation
—Women and Private Worship
—Women and Public Worship
2. Ministry of Women in the New Testament
—Women in the Ministry of Jesus
—Women in the Ministry of the Apostolic Church
3. The Order of Creation
—Genesis 1: Male and Female
—Genesis 2: Equality and Subordination
—Genesis 3: Sin and Subordination
4. The Order of Redemption
—Jesus and the Role of Women
—Paul and the Role of Women
5. Headship and Subordination
—The Meaning of Headship
—Headship and Subordination in Marriage
—Headship and Subordination in the Church
6. Women and Church Office
—1 Timothy 2:9-15: Women and Leadership in the Church
—1 Corinthians 14:33-36: Women & Speaking in the Church
7. The Role of the Pastor
—The Pastor as Representative of the Congregation
—The Pastor as Representative of Christ
8. Retrospect and Prospect
—Final Recommendations
9. Is Ordination Needed for Women's Ministry?
—By Rosalie Haffner Lee
—Personal Experience
—Ellen White and Women's Ministry
—Too Few Women in Church Ministry
—Role Modeling
—Single Women in Church Ministry
—Ministry of Women in the Church
—Women's Movement and Women's Ministry
10. Ellen White and the Role of Women in the Church
—By William Fagal
—Ellen White's "Ordination" Statements
—Historical Arguments
—Ellen White's View of Women's Role in the Church
Selected Bibliography
Books by the Same Author