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God's Amazing Grace / Nicholls, Thelma Dr. / Paperback / LSI

945-6829 L


About the Book 

Thelma Nicholls was born into a poor family in Jamaica. Molested by her father, she developed an intense hatred for him and left home as soon as she was old enough. After two failed relationships, two children born out of wedlock, and turning her back on God, she left Jamaica for New York City. There, she encountered many ups and downs. The most important “up” was finding her way back to God and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

There, she met Robert Nicholls, who eventually became her husband. When leaving Jamaica, Thelma had left her two sons with her mother, who soon lost them to their biological father and his family. It took her more than a year after her marriage to Robert to complete the steps necessary to bring her boys to the United States. Blending them with the new baby boy and Robert’s daughter from a previous marriage wasn’t easy.

Journey with Thelma as she rises above her humble beginnings to become a major as an army nurse and finds peace, joy, and forgiveness along the way.

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Thelma Nicholls

Born and raised in Jamaica, Thelma Nicholls grew up as an only child but with extended family nearby. After moving to New York City as a young adult, she met and married Robert Nicholls. A few years later, they moved to Florida, where she pursued a nursing degree and worked in several hospitals before choosing to join the United States Army when in her mid-forties. An active Seventh-day Adventist, she lives in busy retirement with her husband and elderly mother in Killeen, Texas.


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Author available for Zoom and onsite programs or interviews. 

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Product Reviews

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  1. A must-read! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Jan 2022

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    I like that the first chapter of the book gives the reader immediate insight into the author's early life and the hardship she endured. It also epitomizes the hand of God in her life in that if it were not for God’s amazing grace, things would have not turned out the way they did. God rescued her early and used influences from the church. In the Salvation Army she learned what a father’s love should look like in ** and what adult love should look like between a man and a woman. God showed her what is possible and what He can do when you trust Him. A must-read!
    ~ Michelle R. Anthony-Richardson PhD, RN

  2. What a compelling testimony! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Jan 2022

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    It is not very often that a reader is helplessly glued to a volume. This was my fate as I embarked on the reading of Thelma Nicholls’ God’s Amazing Grace: My Story. I sat prisoner, as line after line hurled itself at me with themes of God’s unconditional love, mercy and grace. This 107-page volume is irresistible.
    The quick succession of unfortunate circumstances that dogged the footsteps of young Thelma afforded the unfolding of God’s plan for her life. Born in an environment of poverty, and raised amid battles of hardship, abuse and rejection, this young girl wondered what the future would hold for her.
    This autobiography employs an uncanny magnetism. It commands, “You have got to stay with me to appreciate the power of God’s unconditional love.” The author skillfully reveals the possibility that “for someone who knew nothing about love, it is incomprehensible that the God of the universe could love me.” What a compelling testimony!
    My heartfelt recommendation of this book is based initially on my experience and conviction. I also am convinced that anyone who needs encouragement, hope and a renewed understanding of God’s love would benefit from this book. I simply urge, “Read it. NOW.”
    ~ Gloria Trotman, PhD

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