What caused Noah to build the ark when he had never seen rain? Faith! What caused Abraham to move to a land he had never seen before? Faith! What caused the centurion to believe that Jesus could heal his servant? Faith! How does God want His children to live their lives? By faith!
Faith for These End-Times examines numerous stories of faith recorded in the pages of God’s Word for insight into how we can develop a strong faith for today and the future. Through faith God’s people will emerge victorious over Satan, but we must be ready lest we be like the five foolish virgins who, although they waiting for the bridegroom, were not really ready to meet him.
Faith for These End-Times will strengthen your faith through the study of God’s Word and the Spirit of Prophecy to prepare for Christ’s soon coming. Develop your faith today; it is all you will have in the end!
Jim Buller is a Bible teacher, wilderness educator, and writer who has been involved in various facets of youth ministries since the early 1970s. A former academy Bible teacher, Jim’s personal mission statement is to “prepare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord,” as written by Ellen White. He has spent time studying practical Christianity and end-time prophecies, and he welcomes opportunities to share with others the truths he has learned.
He enjoys connecting people with nature and has led numerous hiking, camping, backpacking, and wilderness survival trips over the years for both youth and adults. Jim is currently working to develop Preparing to Stand Ministries, an outreach program that offers end-time preparation seminars and wilderness skills training.
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