About the Book
The life of Marcia B. Armstead has been one of service and adventure, and this is her story of servant leadership as God directed her. She has filled many roles in her life: that of a mother and pastor’s wife, a working woman whose career spanned many years and included positions at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, federal and state judicial systems, and as an administrative assistant to two Seventh-day Adventist General Conference vice-presidents.
Marcia attended Oakwood College (now Oakwood University) and Andrews University, and fulfilled the lifelong dream of receiving a college degree after her retirement. She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management in Christian Leadership from Colorado Christian University. The most fulfilling part of her life came in her later years when God called her to ministry as Assistant for Pastoral Care in the Rocky Mountain Conference. She helped her church and pastor develop ministry outreach programs (Card Ministry, Foyer Ministry, Prayer Ministry, Mentoring, and Litigation advocacy) based on servant leadership.
Marcia’s story will strengthen your daily practice of personal evangelism--welcome, connect, and nurture—with those you meet. Her experiences demonstrate what God can do through anyone who gives their heart to Him in leadership.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Marcia B. Armstead, a pastor’s wife and mother, retired from a career in many different fields. She realized her dream of graduating from college, after God called her to a ministry of presenting seminars, writing books [The Complete Wo/Man: An Index to the Heart (2002) and Fragrance of God’s Love: An Autobiography through the Love of My Friends (2010)], and before being offered a position as Assistant for Pastoral Care in the Rocky Mountain Conference. She helped develop her church’s ministry outreach programs, based on the principles of servant leadership.
Marcia lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and attends Colorado Springs Central SDA Church. She retired from pastoral assistant work to focus on preparing and presenting seminars on, “The Joy of Aging.” In her spare time, she enjoys consulting and mentoring those who are discouraged and sending cards, text messages, and letters to encourage the sick and elderly. She loves meeting people from all walks of life and socializing with her many friends.
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Posted by ALR on 13th Mar 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
"Marcia, I started reading your book and could not stop. It was inspiring and uplifting to see you in action while my husband and I were attending Central Church - how you shared your love of our Saviour through prayers, your visitations, and patience during our rough times. Your inspiration through this book has helped me to start sharing one-on-one with the women in our new church." - Joann Nowack, Oklahoma
Posted by ALR on 30th Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
"What a wonderful inspirational book! Marcia's book, A Journey in Servant Leadership, grabbed my heart and my soul. I pray that these thoughts, prayers, and pages will be with me forever. I feel as though I must spend more time with Marcia so that she can keep me on track; closer to God, my family, friends, and all mankind. Thank you Marcia for sharing your thoughts of devotion, service and love. What a gift to me ...
My sister in Christ thank you for these gifts of love, friendship, and inspiration!"
Charlene Stewart
Posted by ALR on 2nd Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
"God has used this documentation of your dedication, talents and vast accomplishments to inspire many others in years to come. Your path in life has certainly fulfilled a divine purpose. May you be blessed with many more years to be an inspiration to others."
~ Olga Britton - Willis, Texas
Posted by ALR on 5th Dec 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"A JOURNEY IN SERVANT LEADERSHIP was a literary journey that I would gladly take again. Not only did I find much-needed encouragement and insight in its pages, but I also learned invaluable lessons. Lessons that I plan to take along with me on my own journey with God."
~Shannon A. Perez
Posted by ALR on 6th Sep 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"I was blessed in a mighty way to read A Journey in Servant Leadership! Marcia's story inspired me, humbled me, and moved me. Her vision, commitment, and tireless effort demonstrates how one woman who is totally focused on the Lord, can impact the hearts and lives of so many people, too numerous to count. She changed how churches reach out to members, new and old, how to personalize church for it's members, and how to impact and bless the community. Marcia has certainly made a memorable impact on several churches and indeed on the city in which she lives. It is clear to see that Marcia walks with the Lord when you see her superhuman energy! What an amazing woman! "
~ Connie Stanton
Posted by ALR on 29th Aug 2022
TEACH services received the following review:
"An honest and engaging read as Marcia journeys through her experiences as a Holy Spirit lead servant leader. The reader will be blessed and encouraged to listen for the Holy Spirit!"
~ Connie McElvain
Posted by G on 8th Apr 2022
I enjoyed this amazing book very much. Marcia is an amazing woman of God and this book speaks that. Thank you for sharing. Please never stop sharing and teaching.
Posted by ALLR on 6th Apr 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"Dear Marcia,
Michele, my wonderful care-taker, lent me your latest book, 'A Journey In Servant Leadership." It was so wonderful. Besides your fascinating experiences, you have a very good grasp of the language of words! It was a joy to read and I kept thinking 'This woman has more books to write." I really do hope you keep publishing your memoirs-they are a benefit to all of us on our journey!
Many Thanks! "
Kathy Feldenkreis
Posted by ALR on 3rd Feb 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"I finished your book this afternoon. Wow, you have led an interesting and fulfilling life. I would have liked to have attended one of your seminars. I have given Kristin your book to read."
~ Arlene
Posted by ALR on 3rd Feb 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
"This compelling self-portrait is required reading for anyone considering or currently following the eternally challenging path of servant leadership. Essentially, to become a successful and an effective individual in this genre of motivation and service to mankind., one must be prepared to engage in truthful, rigorous and sometimes painful self-analysis to get beyond “self” and on to dedicated spiritually engaged outward-looking service. Marcia Armstead artfully and systematically graciously shares her journey of discovery and self-actualization with us. that is so evident in her multiple accomplishments over a lifetime of servant leadership. Thank you for this guidebook of personal antidotes, signposts and boundaries that you have encountered in your odyssey of achievement. I am confident that “A Journey in Servant Leadership” will achieve wide circulation and enjoy long life as a source of inspired reference."
~ Dr. Ernest P. Boger, CHA, FMP, CHE
Chairman (Ret.) Dept. of Hospitality ; Tourism Management (HTM)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA
Posted by ALR on 3rd Feb 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
“In the broad mix of Christian literature there are instructive devotionals, confessional autobiographies and heart-warming mission stories. Marcia Armstead’s, ‘A Journey in Servant Leadership,’ combines them all! No pious proclamations, no lengthy formulas, no “my way or the highway” attitude, rather a daring and devoted life richly used by the hand of God. I found it hard to put down and you will too!”
~ Calvin B. Rock, Ph.D.
Posted by ALR on 3rd Feb 2022
TEACH Services received the following review:
“Highly descriptive testimonies of Servant Leadership! Through her personal experiences, Marcia Armstead reveals what it takes to be a successful and effective servant leader: a close relationship with God.”
~ Roger M. Lindo, MA, Religion/Andrews University