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Journey with Jesus through the Scriptures / Johnston, Raphael Johnny / Paperback / LSI

945-7130 L


About the Book 

“Christ held nothing back in coming to this earth to save sinners. You’ve just read it: Of His fullness we have all received. He gave His all for me!! The question naturally arises: what have I given in return for this grace and truth? John continues by telling his readers that No one has seen God at any time, but you see, God has been revealed in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

So, if I want to see God, all I have to do is to look at Jesus Christ, His Son. In Him lies the fullness of the Godhead. Don’t get bogged down with theological nuances; just look to and at Jesus, and you will be saved.”

Join author Raphael Johnny Johnston as he finds the Jesus revealed in the books of Psalms, Mark, and John. Short, easy-to-read daily devotionals help you discover Jesus as you explore selected verses from the three books of the Bible. Many of the devotions focus on the Gospel of John due to its message about the divinity and mission of Jesus. Come, examine the biblical Jesus, and discover (or-rediscover) who He is and what He means to us.

“In this Journey the elements of our daily Christian walk with God are stressed upon, as factors that enhance our relationships with God, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the relationship with our fellowmen.”

~ Ernest Nozil, Retired LCSW, CCDPD

“This book is rich in Scriptures, timely and relevant in its application and the one who reads and applies may find himself falling in love with Jesus all over again.”

~ Garet Reid, Bishop

“…a wonderful devotional journey that is led by Scripture using such vignettes that allows the reader to see themselves as they are before God in this sin sick world.”

~ Oliver Johnson, Minister and Correctional Chaplain


Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 


Raphael Johnny Johnston is a retired clinical social worker, retired ordained pastor, and retired corrections chaplain. He graduated from Atlantic Union College in South Lancaster, Massachusetts, with a B.A. in religion and theology. He followed that with an M.A. in human services from Worcester State University and an M.Div. from Trinity School of the Bible and Trinity Theological Seminary.

Mr. Johnston currently resides in Goodlettsville, Tennessee, and volunteers as a chaplain at Tri-Star Medical Center in Hendersonville, Tennessee. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, writing, and helping “the least” among us.


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  1. Wonderful Devotional Journey 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Nov 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    3. I have had the privilege of knowing Pr. Johnny Johnston both professionally and as good friends for approximately twenty years. We were Correctional Chaplains ministering to those behind the prison walls. As such, we must be mindful and deliberate in sharing the love of Christ; not just in words but most definitely in our actions. For some, we are the personal glimpses of Jesus in the flesh. We must make Jesus accessible and lovable to the point of being contagious.

    Such a wonderful devotional journey that is led by Scripture using such vignettes that allows the reader to see themselves as they are before God in this sin sick world. The poingnant realities of the disease of sin and how God could love still, with such love, to the point of self-sacrifice, even to the sacrifice His only Begotten Son, to be the Test Taker, the Offerer, and Propitiation for our own Sins.

    As Christians likened to diamonds in the rough; that can only be sharpened and polished by other diamonds. The author has been used, by God, to skillfully enable us to be cleaned, shaped and refined as we journey by coming closer and closer to God and, through His grace, to become more like him.

    Pr. Johnny has made Jesus and His undying love an attainable passion to be sought by anyone and everyone!
    ~ Oliver Johnson, Minister and Correctional Chaplain

  2. Rich in Scriptures 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Nov 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    2. In a rapidly changing culture where truth seems evicted, the Bible is reduced to just social commentary, a compilation of ‘neat’ stories left to individual interpretation, where Christ is often relegated to a cultural figure-embodying noble ideals but not necessarily the source of transcendent standards of the ‘ought’ enters Johnny’s Book Journey with Jesus Through the Scriptures. Here the book affirms to the reader among other things the essential truth espoused in Scriptures, that Jesus is indeed God, the fountainhead of truth; such can be extrapolated both from His words and His deeds.
    In this game-changer, a must read for every Christian and the seeker alike, Pastor Johnston pulling from a life-time of experience as a Parish Pastor and Prison Chaplain, in his unique story-telling manner takes us on an almost year-long journey looking at the lives of Biblical characters—their struggles, defeats and victories drawing comparisons/parallels to our own and posits One standing tall above all human circumstances in whom alone we can and does find the power and strength for each day’s journey. Of this one (Jesus), Johnny’s book espouses a high and lofty view, yet brings him intimately close. To the one suffering, He is near and is not afraid of our mess or chaos. To the one under the strangle-hold of sin and darkness, He’s just a prayer aways. He never rejects notwithstanding the multitude or magnitude of our sins and stands eager and ready to forgive where the request is made.
    In contrast to our often unfaithfulness, Johnny presents Him as loyal and faithful, deserving of our worship and praise. But how do we express our worship and thankfulness an absolute imperative, Johnny’s book suggests through reading and meditating on the word and through a life of dedicated prayer and a commitment to assimilating the very character of Jesus into our own lives.
    This book is rich in Scriptures, timely and relevant in its application and the one who reads and applies may find himself falling in love with Jesus all over again. Thank you, Pastor Johnston, for sharing this book with us.
    ~ Garet Reid, Bishop

  3. Well Done 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Nov 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    In this book” Journey through Scriptures” the author has actively searched Scriptures and wants to open the minds of readers to a clear understanding of areas which are of utmost importance to Christian growth and spirituality. In this Journey the elements of our daily Christian walk with God are stressed upon, as factors that enhance our relationships with God, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the relationship with our fellowmen. As you read this book you will find yourselves inspired to daily praise and honor God in all circumstances with a spirit of gratitude, for His mercy, compassion, grace goodness, longsuffering and love toward his undeserved children who seek his help; trust, and obey His word, and who want Him to walk with them till they reach their destination which is heaven. You will also be more inspired to read God’s Holy word daily, spend time in prayer in the presence of God, attend church more regularly and devote the time to effectively witness and meeting the needs of those around you as Jesus did to name a few.
    Additionally, by including this book in your daily devotional, you will find yourselves challenged by the author to adopt a practical Christian lifestyle through the practice of daily activities/challenges at the end of each reading, to help you stay connected with Jesus while focusing on your relationship with Him; and behave like Him in your daily interactions with individuals from different status in society including individuals in the church.
    Elements of Hope are stressed throughout this book as the author in many instances responds to his own appeals and invites you to join him in his decision to trust and develop a loving relationship with Jesus; encourages you to go to Jesus in all situations even the most desperate one, as He is the “ Forever Friend” of sinners who understands, cares, loves, forgives and wants to save you in his kingdom; As the author alludes: Christ and the Truth wins every time, victory is ours if we obey the truth, follow Christ and remain faithful till the end when we will hear the words from the lips of Jesus: Well done; Welcome Home.
    ~ Ernest Nozil, Retired LCSW, CCDPD

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