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  • Cover of Loma Linda Messages
  • Back of Loma Linda Messages
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Loma Linda Messages / White, Ellen G / Paperback / LSI

945-6139 L


This 1935 collection of Ellen G. White's admonitions is reprinted in the hope of arousing God's people to follow the divine blueprint of the medical work. The content of this book is briefly summarized in these two statements:

"Loma Linda is to be not only a sanitarium, but an educational center. With the possession of this place comes the mighty responsibility of making the work of the institution educational in character. The school that is to be established at Loma Linda is to stand in the freedom of the truth."

"Shall we represent before the world that our physicians must follow the pattern of the world, before they can be qualified to be successful physicians? This is the question that is now testing the faith of some of our brethren. Let not any of our brethren displease the Lord by advocating in their assemblies the idea that we need to obtain from unbelievers a higher education that that specified by the Lord."

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