This book, written by a 17-year-old girl, graphically portrays a possible end-time scenario. It is a heartwarming and thrilling account of God's protection and care of His people, and the trials, triumphs, and joy that lie ahead for them. Both young people and adults will be inspired by this pamphlet and will want to reread it many times. It will help to prepare them to stand in the solemn time of trouble that lies ahead.
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Posted by emilio l. on 20th Apr 2016
I must have first read this book over 20 years ago. Present truth to my eyes when i read it. Couldn't remember the number of times I replaced Merikay's character with myself to see if I could be as brave, faithful and call upon the same strength from God as she did. Now it's 2016 and that NSL seems only months away surrounded by financial ruin of the US. Get this book for your family, congregation, one for yourself and for that backsliding friend that needs a reminder that they're living in the days of Noah.
Posted by Rose S. on 24th Mar 2016
Will never know for sure howorwho will escape and to where, some will be laid to rest because they are unable to withstand the terrible