About the Book
Putting God’s Last-day Church on Unmovable Footing
In 1861, Ellen White wrote that we are now living in the time of the shaking and that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. (See Letters and Manuscripts, vol. 1, Letter 5b). These words are very alarming and cannot be brushed off lightly. Then in 1902, she penned the following: “Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads—it is not any seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved—just as soon as God’s people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has begun already.” –The SDA Bible Commentary, vol 4, page 1161.
The truths that the people of God need to be settled into both intellectually and spiritually so they are unmovable in the time of the shaking, include the sanctuary, the investigative judgment and the three angels’ messages. We cannot afford to be willfully ignorant of these foundational life and death messages. We cannot afford to know just bits and pieces about them. If we are to remain secure and unmovable in the shaking time, we need to be grounded and fully settled in these truths which bring out more fully the work and mission of Jesus Christ in the heavenly sanctuary especially for those living in the time of the end.
“Unmovable is recommended reading for all pursuing the backstory to Daniel’s chapter 8 vision, ‘Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.’” ~ John Fleming, Lay Pastor, Dobbins Seventh-day Adventist Church
“This book has to be read by every single Christian who is waiting for the soon return of Christ. It deals with the very knowledge that will enable the readers to comprehend Christ’s redemptive work as the Great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary and be ready to meet Him face to face.” ~ Eld. Michael Lee, Carnesville Korean SDA Church, Georgia, U.S.A.
“Unmovable shines a bright light unto the path that leads to eternal life and helps guide the Christian through the theology that prepares us for translation!” ~ Sean Worix, Co-founder, Protestant Church Ministries
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Henry Cha earned his Master’s degree in theology at the Seventh-day Adventist Sahmyook University in Seoul, Korea. Before turning to education and teaching, he served as youth pastor at the Riverside Korean-American Seventh-day Adventist Church in California. He founded the Little Open Book Ministry (http://www.lobm.org), a ministry dedicated to preserving the old pioneer teachings of the sanctuary and related truths, presenting them in a new and more advanced framework and moving them back to the forefront of Adventist theology.
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Posted by ALR on 31st Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
One of Adventism’s key pillars, the Sanctuary doctrine, has been the target of criticism by many pastors as well as ‘armchair theologians’ for many years. Henry Cha, in his book, UNMOVABLE, dives deep into the study of this controversial and key pillar for the existence of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
I had assumed I understood this doctrine well since I have been teaching Sabbath School for over 21 years, had done the quarterly studies on the Sanctuary and had also done some personal study on this subject. However, this book has proven me wrong. Henry Cha takes the Sanctuary study to a deeper level and brings out truths I had never thought of. He also intermingles the writings of Ellen White for emphasis and clarity. Every Seventh-day Adventist must know the subject of the Sanctuary for themselves. It is the foundation of our faith and unfortunately, it is rarely preached from the pulpit. It is my belief that any serious Bible student who recognizes the times we are living in, will be drawn to a serious study of this subject. Its understanding is as essential today as it was in the days of our pioneers. We may very well be the last generation living before Jesus comes and understanding what our heavenly High Priest is doing in the Sanctuary above is what will get us through the times ahead. Therefore, each person must study the subject for themselves and I feel this book is essential for that purpose.
–Donna Griffith, Sabbath School Teacher, Grants Pass SDA Church, Oregon.
Posted by ALR on 31st Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
Henry Cha preaches the very message the last generation believers need to hear. And he does it in an excellent way. His way of deriving the truths from the Bible reveals his academic background which is engineering. It is like deriving a mathematical equation, therefore precise and predictable. He ties everything so wonderfully and beautifully. I have personally benefited from his teachings. This book has to be read by every single Christian who is waiting for the soon return of Christ. It deals with the very knowledge that will enable the readers to comprehend Christ’s redemptive work as the Great High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary and be ready to meet Him face to face.
–Michael Lee, Elder, Carnesville Korean SDA Church, Georgia."
Posted by ALR on 31st Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
There are two places occupied in finishing the mystery of God, one place is the world itself, to which the gospel is to be preached. The other place is the lives of the believers of the truth. We might preach and proclaim the Word to every soul on earth in our generation, so that phase of the work would be completed and perfectly finished. Yet, if the manifestation of God in the lives of those who preach the everlasting gospel is not completed also, we could preach it ten thousand years and the end would never come. Fortunately for us, Unmovable shines a bright light onto the path that leads to eternal life and helps guide the Christian through the theology that prepares us for translation!
Elder Cha’s work in defending our repository of sacred truth is paramount to that of S.N. Haskell’s defense of the Sanctuary and Uriah Smith’s defense of Bible Prophecy. Unmovable breaks down the gospel into its sanctuary elements and lifts up Christ as a Lamb that takes away sin (Rev 5:6) to Him who is able to present us faultless and keep us from falling (Jude 24) to the finishing of the mystery of God and His will (Eph 1:9, 3:4-6; Col 1:27). Unmovable should be taught in every Adventist seminary and mailed to every SDA pastoral parish as we prepare corporately for the finishing of the blowing of the seventh trumpet and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ the righteous (1 Jn 2:1).
Sean Worix, Co-founder, Protestant Church Ministries
Posted by ALR on 31st Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
I have known the author Henry Cha for many years. We have spent hours studying the Scripture together in a group. The sanctuary has been of special interest to him, and we have been impressed at the thoroughness of his investigation of the subject. We have urged him to write a book and that book is now available titled “Unmovable”.
In the introduction the author states: “To preserve sacred truth throughout the ages, God has had repositories placed all along the timeline of church history. Even during the Dark Ages, when there was a famine for the Word of God, faithful sentinels and guardians were divinely appointed to act as repositories of sacred truths.” Mr. Cha diligently studies the “Word of God” and the Spirit of Prophecy in researching the topic.
Henry Cha is not reticent to tackle difficult subjects. As an example, In Chapter 11 INVESTIGATING THE INVESTIGATIVE JUDGMENT he states: “This chapter examines historic Adventism’s core teaching of the investigative judgment in light of some of the major objections being leveled against it. It gives arguments from Scripture to show that the objections are without basis.” In my opinion, he does this thoroughly and with aplomb.
I am blessed to have access to this book and highly recommend it.
Signed: Jerome W. H. Niswonger, MD
Posted by ALR on 31st Jan 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
Henry Cha provides a contemporary examination of a unique Sanctuary Doctrine established by Adventist pioneers and addresses whether it withstands the test of today's scrutiny as relevant, present truth. Unsinkable explores what Jesus accomplished at the cross, which plan of salvation aspects were not completed at His death, where Jesus is interceding as our High Priest, and an investigative judgment culminating in the purification process of those found righteous in a final day of atonement. Cha deftly navigates difficult Bible passages by delivering a balanced Biblical and Spirit of Prophecy description of Christian perfection and a summation of common misconceptions associated with the atonement message. Unmovable is recommended reading for all pursuing the backstory to Daniel's chapter 8 vision, "Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed."
~John Fleming, Lay Pastor, Dobbins Seventh-day Adventist Church