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Alpha and Omega, The / Karr, Michael R. / Paperback / LSI

945-7107 L


About the Book 

In a conversation with his local pastor, Michael Karr was challenged to study the Scriptures to understand what “the moral law” includes. As he began his study, he encountered a description of the moral law in the writings of Ellen White that challenged his thinking. Here is what he read:

In consequence of continual transgression, the moral law was repeated in awful grandeur from Sinai. Christ gave to Moses religious precepts which were to govern the everyday life. These statutes were explicitly given to guard the ten commandments. They were not shadowy types to pass away with the death of Christ. They were to be binding upon man in every age as long as time should last. These commands were enforced by the power of the moral law, and they clearly and definitely explained that law. (Review and Herald, May 6, 1875)

This excerpt caught his attention that the statutes were given to explain the moral law. This insight led him into a five-year study of the subject. He invites you, the reader, to consider his findings and make up your mind about the evidence under the leading of God’s Spirit.

The author has masterfully taken Ellen G. White’s writings and expounded upon Yahweh’s Word, adding another powerful, compelling level to this book and helping the reader to understand His Truth in all its fullness! —Adam Lawrence

“The Bible declares that the way to eternal life is narrow. Karr’s exhaustive examination of this narrow way will be a blessing to anyone with courage enough to exercise their God-given faith to seek, find, and obey the absolute truth.” —Marcus Dennis

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Michael Karr

Michael Karr is a retired cardiac nurse and physician's assistant with two associate degrees from Kettering College of Medical Arts. He and his wife, Ruthie, live in Lansing, North Carolina. Michael is a Sabbath School teacher and the head deacon at his church. In his free time, he enjoys cycling, hiking, travel, woodworking and carpentry, entertaining guests, and Bible study. He twice brought a baby squirrel with him to a restaurant, to the staff's delight; however, when he brought it to church, and it got loose, that's another story.


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  1. A Crystal-clear Picture of the Love the Lord Wants Us to Experience. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 14th Mar 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “We are living in the last days. Now more than ever, we need to understand the Word of God and know for certain what our Creator requires of us, in His long-suffering love for us. We hear all the time that God is love, but it is often forgotten that God is also judgment with that love. There must be a standard by which judgment can be rendered. The Alpha and Omega, by Michael Karr, explores this standard that is rooted squarely in the Lord’s Word as given by his prophets. It offers a crystal-clear picture of the love the Lord wants us to experience.

    “Scripture has to be the foundation of our theology, and when we deviate from Scripture, we deviate from God. Seventh-day Adventists are largely seen as being legalistic in their approach to scripture. While most of the evangelical world is trying to separate themselves from the law, Karr makes the case that not only should we be embracing the law of love, but expanding upon it for true Christian living.

    “The Alpha and Omega reads smoothly with ample scriptural references and Strong’s notations, and with judicious quotes from Ellen White, nails home the point that if we are to be ready for the soon return of Christ, we should be living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. The Bible declares that the way to eternal life is narrow. Karr’s exhaustive examination of this narrow way will be a blessing to anyone with courage enough to exercise their God-given faith to seek, find, and obey the absolute truth.”
    —Marcus Dennis

  2. Masterfully taken Ellen G. White’s writings and expounded upon Yahweh’s Word 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 14th Mar 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “When the idea of becoming a Torah-observant, feast-keeper was introduced to me, I was very skeptical and totally against it. The concept was so foreign to me that I absolutely wanted no part of it. However, if my desire was and still is to do what is right and pleasing in Yahweh’s eyes, I knew I must keep an open mind when reading The Alpha and Omega and test it against Yahweh’s Word. I did just that, and came to the conclusion that I had been deceived most of my life by the world and “Churchianity”!

    The founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church started out on the right path, searching Yahweh’s Scriptures for His Truth and found the truth of the seventh-day Sabbath, among others. If they would have stayed the course, instead of being influenced by the “teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:19), I am fully convinced they too would have arrived at the same conclusion I came to after reading The Alpha and Omega, and become Torah-observant, feast-keepers.

    The Alpha and Omega could have been written utilizing the Scriptures alone. However, the author has masterfully taken Ellen G. White’s writings and expounded upon Yahweh’s Word, adding another powerful, compelling level to this book and helping the reader to understand His Truth in all its fullness!
    —Adam Lawrence

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