Starting as a prayer book for a young lady in Latvia, Anita Sebastian wrote the first version of God Is Love in seven pages. The author then expanded it to be used by many as a how-to book for intercessory prayer. Follow along with poignant Bible verses and short prayers chosen to guide a prayer [...]
Discover the story of a young woman—ambitious, smart, driven—and her struggle to thrive and succeed in a very patriarchal society in Africa. When both her personal and professional life descends into darkness, she learns that there is only one true source of light and hope in this sinful world. As adversity strikes, again and again, [...]
Why did God create Adam knowing he would sin? Does God punish? Why the Trinity? Is there an answer to Darwinism? Why evil? Does God manipulate the future? In The Ways of God, Dr. Shepherd explores the “why’s” and “wherefore’s” of God’s actions through history since the foundation of the world. This approach allows the [...]
A Vision Becomes Reality is the story of how a Seventh-day Adventist educational institution, West Indies College (now Northern Caribbean University) in Mandeville, Jamaica, collaborated with a Seventh-day Adventist health care institution, Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica, to develop and implement the Department of Nursing Education and the first baccalaureate nursing programme in Jamaica. [...]
The most precious message ever given to mortals is the message that Jesus became our substitute, taking the penalty for our sins, that we might take His perfect righteousness and stand faultless in the judgment, appearing before the Father as if we had never sinned. This is the message of righteousness by faith. God came as a man and poured [...]
Doug Clemmerson, in his book The Sanctuary in Types and Symbols, crafts a study on a topic that he vigorously identifies as the heartbeat of Seventh-day Adventist theology and mission. The Lord wisely developed a system of symbolic lessons from which any sincere searcher can comprehend what He must do to rescue our fallen race [...]
How might a day look in the life of a young child whose parents are dedicated to raising the child for Jesus? This attractively illustrated book takes your child through a typical day, beginning with worship, breakfast, outdoor play, helping Mom in the house, nap time, story and craft times, a park outing with Dad, [...]
Doctor Perry Louden puts his money where his mouth is when he proposes a new logical, instructive, and chronological take on Daniel 11. In his own words, “This position is by no means meant to be the end-all to our study and dialogue on Daniel 11…The result must be to put an end to our [...]
Biblical history comes to life! This book is a fascinating blend of historical fact and narrative fiction that weaves a rich tapestry of the life and times of the biblical prophet Isaiah. It begins during the reign of King Uzziah who plays a major part in determining the parents of Isaiah. The mother rejects her baby who is then raised [...]
“I am preparing for the end very quietly and calmly. The Lord is wonderfully near, and He will not fail me. I was very restless and excited while there seemed a chance of life, but God has taken away that feeling, and now I just pray for the grace to meet the terrible end bravely. The pain will soon [...]