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Looking for books to share with New Christians or young people to help answer their questions? Phyllis Gruesbeck has released two books that will do just that.  


If you’ve ever wondered what day God wants us to worship on, or if He even really cares, by the time you finish this book, there will be no doubt in your mind that the seventh-day Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord. The author traces the Sabbath’s history from creation through the last days of this earth’s history and into heaven and the new earth.

Jesus said, “If you love me, obey my commandments” (John 14:15, NLT). This book details this comment and shows that keeping the Sabbath is one way to show our love to God. When we love someone, we take pleasure in doing things they ask us to or know they like. So it is with God. When we love him, it is a pleasure to obey His commandments. Obedience is never a burden when love is the motive.

Another facet of this book is giving Bible proof that the God we serve is a three-in-one God—three Persons, one God. God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Each with His own role to fulfill, yet one in purpose and one in ways humans can’t begin to grasp.


 Did you ever wonder how the world got to be in such a mess? Why does evil abound? Why do bad things happen to everyone, including “good” people? The book that you hold in your hands will give you a basic overview of just how sin got started on earth and its origin in heaven.

“The devil made me do it” was a popularized catchphrase by Comedian Flip Wilson. But within these covers, you’ll learn that God is more powerful than the devil, and He is “able to keep you from falling” (Jude 24).

You will also learn to identify the mysterious antichrist by learning the biblical identifiers. Another bit of knowledge that you will gain is who changed—or rather, attempted to change—the Ten Commandments, why, and where they are in print in their modified version.

Do you know the five major characteristics of the God Family? You’ll find them outlined and explained here: 1. Holiness; 2. Omnipotence; 3. Omnipresence; 4. Omniscience; and 5. Immortality.

By the time you come to the last page, you will know three things for sure: God is all-powerful, He loves you more than you can imagine, and He craves your love in return. And when you’ve finished, share the book with a friend who needs to know who God is.

“…It is based in sound biblical knowledge with a sensitivity from one who has traveled life’s road and found God’s unchanging love.”

—Jay Gallimore, former president, Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

“Phyllis was a student of the Word and she was a teacher at heart which you will discover as you journey through this book.”

—Nadine Whitacre, Retired Nurse

If you would like to preview or purchase these books click here


Phyllis Gruesbeck grew up in Michigan's farm country and later moved to Battle Creek, Michigan, where she married her husband, Ronald. She worked as a legal secretary, medical secretary, hospital ward clerk, and Certified Nurse Assistant. She did freelance writing for periodicals and a newspaper. She loved drawing and painting and even drew illustrations for a nursing procedure manual and sold many paintings for office and home use. Phyllis and Ronald had the privilege of traveling extensively domestically and overseas. She enjoyed nature, gardening, and the many hours she spent in deep Bible study.

On November 27, 2019, Phyllis suffered a stroke and died peacefully, strong in her faith, with her husband of over 62 years by her side on December 7, 2019. She was looking forward to seeing her Lord and Savior "face to face" at His second coming.

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