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Explore the Biblical Subject of Leadership

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If you are interested in a biblical approach to the question of women’s ordination, then Women Pastors and God’s Ordained Order is the book for you. It establishes the fundamental trustworthiness of the Bible as the guiding light for the church. Author Louis R. Torres shows that, although there are cultural issues in the stories and teaching of the Bible, divine inspiration ensures that the roles of men and women outlined from the Creation to the Fall were determined by the unique natural capabilities rather than by antiquated cultural expectations.

Trace the relevance of Old Testament laws for New Testament believers, God’s stipulations about ordination in the Old and New Testaments, and the role of elders throughout Scripture. Torres believes if you are searching for biblical precedents, that would suggest that the equality of all believers in Christ sets up the expectation that women be ordained as pastors. He also explains the significance of God’s “subaudition mandates” in determining God’s will. In other words, by stating what He wants, God makes clear what He does not want. It is a carefully reasoned approach to the subject—well worth the reading for the open-minded.

“Pastor Torres has been blessed to see issues on the question of ordination others completely miss. He has unlimited respect for the roles God has given females in Gospel work, but is unintimidated in drawing scriptural conclusions which may be unpopular in some circles.” ~ Pastor Jim Brackett, MA, MPH, director The Ridge, Offering Live Better Seminars at The Roosevelt Ridge Retreat

“I have read articles and viewpoints on both sides of this question and find that in reading this book, it has given me clarity and peace on this subject. It has totally convinced me of the Biblical plan for men and women roles in life and in ministering to the church. I highly recommend this book to both men and women!" ~ Ruth Scofield, College Place, WA

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Louis R. Torres was born in Puerto Rico but raised in Brooklyn, New York. His eight-year music career terminating as Bass player with Bill Haley and the Comets ended with his conversion to Christ. After two years in the military during the Vietnam War, he entered the ministry and has served as an evangelist, a soul-winning trainer, a church administrator, and an author. He has taught on 3ABN and Hope Channel and abroad. His books include Notes on Music, Left Behind or Sincerely Taken, Gaining Decisions for Christ, Great Stories for Gaining Decisions, Bothersome and Disturbing Bible Passages, Demons or Angels, Jesus in the Heart of the Earth, The Angel Who Is Jesus, and Elsa, which tells the story of his mother’s raising six boys in ghettos of New York City.

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