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Everyone has an individual approach to personal devotions, Bible study, and prayer. Some read, study, and mark their Bibles; some pray aloud; some sing, some journal. Brenda Purdy chooses to express her worship and praise through poetry. She has chosen to share her devotional poetry with you. You are invited in to share her most personal thoughts as she seeks to know God’s will, struggles with self (as we all do), and pours forth her praise even in the difficult times.

As you read, you will be drawn into a sense of camaraderie as you realize that, although our struggles may take different forms, we have one thing in common: we are all sinners in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Brenda articulates this truth in raw, poignant emotion as she plumbs the depths of the reality of her great need, then rises to the heights of praise to God for His loving care and the sacrifice He made to assure us of eternal salvation.

"Rejected,-- Alone again I bear the pain
Of heartache, tears, and broken dreams.
Endeavoring to gain
Repose in silence.

I flee to the Rock of Ages Who lifted me,
And cares beyond compare.
I only pray He will do what I cannot--
Take control of my life and make it right…"

You can hear the heartache in Brenda’s voice as she expresses her personal experience. But then she moves from looking inward to looking at Jesus and recognizing that in spite of our defects of character, Jesus has paid the price for our sins and assures us of His forgiveness and His righteousness. It’s just possible that reading this little volume of poetry will enhance your own devotional life.

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Brenda A. Kemper Purdy is the daughter of a minister and was raised in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. She resides in Napa, CA, happily married in 1976 to Leslie R. Purdy, her best friend, other than Jesus. Brenda graduated from Napa Valley College in 1988 with an associate of arts degree in general education and in natural sciences.

She is a retired CNA and housekeeper, claiming Psalm 37:4 as her favorite Bible text. In her spare time Brenda enjoys handwriting note cards to encourage people, and also likes going to aquatic exercise at the gym pool, taking photos with her cell phone camera, and walking around her neighborhood, sharing her faith. One of her dreams come true is this poetry work.

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