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Presents One of the Best Methods to Attract Individuals to the Lord.

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Making Disciples for Christ in Seven Days presents one of the best methods to attract individuals to the Lord and retain them. Simple and to the point, this user-friendly guide will grant new language to help professionals and laypeople convey the Lord’s message in this generation and until the Lord’s timely return.

Delving into topics such as righteousness, your role as a child of God, the seventh-day Sabbath, the state of the dead, health principles for a healthy mind and body, holy communion, and many more biblical teachings, this book is a great tool to further your understanding of the Word and help you on your path to whole-heartedly pursuing God.

This book can be used as a self-teaching instrument, guiding readers through the seven most important beliefs that can keep any reader rooted in the love of Christ and ultimately, through God’s grace, eternal life. After reading you will be equipped—provided that these concepts are practiced in love and with complete dependence on God—not only to maintain better relations with your neighbors here on earth, but also toward living in the blessed eternity with our Lord.

If you would like to preview or purchase these books click here. Available in English, Spanish, and French.


Othnel Pierre

Pastor Othnel Pierre is an active and passionate third generation Seventh-day Adventist. Son of the retired pastor Anélus Augustin Pierre and the late Jacqueline T. Pierre, he earned his bachelor’s degree in theology from the Adventist University of Haiti, previously Franco-Haitian Adventist Institute, and his master’s degree in education with a concentration in leadership supervision from Andrews University, Michigan, USA.

Currently, he is serving as a pastor to two fellowships with the Northeastern Conference within the Atlantic Union Conference. Through seminars, workshops, weeks of prayers, evangelistic campaigns, he—in his pastoral ministry, breathed upon by the Holy Spirit—has supported and baptized several hundred individuals into the Lord’s pasture. On December 22, 1987, he married his lovely wife, Edithe Pierre, who has graciously served as his constant companion in life and ministry. Their union, by God’s grace and mercy, has produced two charming young ladies and one handsome young man.

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