About the Book
Have you ever looked at a tree? In The Gospel According to a Tree you will discover the science of the Tree. Dive into the Tree's function and anatomy. Witness the revealing of our Creator in His creation and how the Tree is today's Tree of life. See how God maintains our life through the ministry of a Tree. You will never look at a tree again without thinking of its designer.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Terry McComb, speaker and writer with Creation Illustrated magazine, has conducted countless character-building, Bible-based seminars that reveal eternal truths through the handiwork of God. Pastor McComb has authored more than 56 articles with Creation Illustrated magazine and co-authored with his wife, Jean, children’s books for parents to study with their children. He pastored for 50 years in the Kentucky-Tennessee Conference and the Eastern Shore Conference, as well as in Toronto, Calgary, and Brandon, Manitoba. His favorite activity is studying anything God made with his wife, Jean—a great researcher as well as an inspirational musician at the piano. She is a professional mother and raised four wonderful sons. In her spare time, she is a Common Sense Psychology Counselor. The McCombs have been a team for 56 fun years. When Terry is at the chalkboard drawing a conclusion, Jean's fingers play a quiet, gentle song on the keyboard. Together they create art that reaches the heart!
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