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My Emotions Are a Gift / Boucaud-Moore, Grace / Paperback / LSI

945-7140 L


About the Book 

God gave us emotions. They enable us to enjoy both our physical and spiritual interactions. They spring from our beliefs or perceptions about how others feel about us and treat us and our experiences. Our correct understanding of God, our loving Creator, is enough to sustain healthy emotions because we get our value from Him.

My Emotions Are a Gift helps children, along with their parents, discover and discuss their emotions. Each short poem is accompanied by a thought and supporting Bible texts. As you explore this book with your children, you will help them develop and identify their emotions, ultimately creating a better understanding of our Heavenly Father's love. The author includes relevant vocabulary and a note to parents to help strengthen their child's development.

‘The author reminds us that God invites us to reason with Him about our sins and those "pop-up-unwanted” emotions.’

~Pastor Clyde Thomas. M.A, CFLE.

Past President of Tobago Mission of S.D.A.


 “…it provides counsel regarding the issue of shame which often distracts from the necessary process and reminds them of God's love throughout life's hurdles.”

- Tamica Marcelle, Secondary School Teacher


“This gift of Emotions, when embraced, explored and understood, is there to protect us from ourself and the enemy; and to bring us into a real relationship with God.”

~ Nigel Walcott, Safety Consultant BSc, AAS, MT Cert, LSF

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 


Grace Boucaud-Moore is an avid reader who resides on the Caribbean Island of Trinidad. She has worked with children and youth for over two decades while serving in the Sabbath School Department and uniformed clubs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since retirement, she has devoted much of her time to two of her passions—reading and Bible study.

Grace was catapulted into a spate of writing with the birth of her first grandchild, Roman, which yielded six manuscripts titled: Special to God, Love Is Everywhere, My Emotions Are a Gift, God Is with Me All the Time, A Chronological Bible-Reading Workbook Series, and a short novel titled, Faith Isn’t Blind.


About the Artist 


Amanda Chureson is a tertiary student from Thailand currently studying in the U.S.A. She has a passion for art and history and uses both as inspirations for her artwork. Her recognized work includes illustrations for her school's anthologies. Sleeping in on rainy days and quiet moments engaged in drawing are two of her favorite experiences.

For more books by the author, click HERE.


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  1. Vital for this present time 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 24th Oct 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "My Emotions are a Gift is a gift for parents, teachers and any adult who interacts with children daily. I was incredibly impressed after my initial perusal and overall, the book did not disappoint. The design and layout are exceptionally well thought out and present an experience that is unique and memorable. I have no doubt that the content of the book was inspired by God and it invites the reader to really engage with their emotions as real experiences; therefore, emotions should be processed in a meaningful way. I think such a message is vital for this present time when there is always a high chance of being overstimulated by external influences. It is integral that children are introduced to processing emotions in this way to ensure good foundations are laid for a future that will heavily depend on what they learn during that period of their lives."
    ~ Isiah Robley B.A.

  2. Excellent Encourager for Children 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 24th Oct 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "My Emotions Are a Gift" written by Grace Boucaud-Moore is an excellent encourager for children, young and old, as they learn to own and manage their emotions. Importantly, it provides counsel regarding the issue of shame which often distracts from the necessary process and reminds them of God's love throughout life's hurdles. The caregiver input was another great tool for implementing success in emotional regulation. Quite an interesting read. - Tamica Marcelle, Secondary School Teacher

  3. Reminds us that God invies us to reason with Him 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 24th Oct 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "The book "My Emotions are a Gift" states that God gave us not only a body that we can see; but also, a mind, "An inner world", with thoughts and emotions that we cannot see. We note that our emotions spring from our beliefs and perceptions about people's beliefs and perceptions of us, even those of our own selves. The reader is counselled that emotions can be positive, less than positive and even negative. The book teaches that we should own them, let God through His grace help us to cultivate positive and healthy ones. Never repress emotions for they wouldn't go away but live to fight us another day. The author reminds us that God invites us to reason with Him about our sins and those "pop-up-unwanted” emotions. Like the prophet Isaiah tells us, God can make them right. Isa. 1: 18. As William Wordsworth wrote in his poem: “My heart leaps up when I behold", "the child is father of the man." Parents are to work with their little ones on those feelings, in their childhood and they will grow and glow in their adulthood."
    ~ Pastor Clyde Thomas. M.A, CFLE., Former President of Tobago Mission of S.D.A.

  4. EMOTIONS is a beautiful gift from God. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 24th Oct 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "The author seems to suggest that our emotions are an extension of our faith; and without understanding them and bringing them into subjection, we cannot really and truly connect with God. It is essential for salvation. Therefore; our Emotions are a gift, that God gives us to assist in understanding Him and ourself by extension.
    This gift of Emotions, when embrace, explored and understood, is there to protect us from ourself and the enemy; and to bring us into a real relationship with God. This relationship is not theological, not denominational, not secular, but spiritual. When we see God, we will be attached to Him by, and overwhelmed with EMOTIONS. If we are not emotionally connected now; we will not be connected at all when he comes. EMOTIONS is a beautiful gift from God."
    ~ Nigel Walcott, Safety Consultant BSc, AAS, MT Cert, LSF

  5. Amazing 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 24th Oct 2023

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "The book “My Emotions Are A Gift” is amazing. It shows how God is excellent in all His ways. He shows us how to express our emotions or feelings, good, sad, happy and so much more. I’m so happy I read this book and would recommend it to all my friends." – Christina Nimrod, Age 7

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