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Neighbors to Family / Kennedy, Dr. S. June E. / Paperback / LSI

945-7074 L


About the Book 

Nine-year-old Freddy is thrilled to find that the new neighbors have a son his age; after years as an only child, he finally has a brother and companion in Jeremy. The two become inseparable, growing more and more involved in each other’s lives. At the invitation of his new friend, Jeremy begins to enjoy fun and exciting church activities, and the two realize that God is bringing them closer together. Jeremy experiences a new kind of love and acceptance in Freddy’s church community, and the resulting changes in his life have a surprising effect on the lives of those around him.

After Dr. June Kennedy had served as a co-author on a number of her husband’s books, her family encouraged her to find her own voice through writing down the stories she had been telling over the years. In creating her characters and shaping her narrative, she drew on a wealth of experience in teaching, family work, and church ministry. The result is this delightful story of friendship and sharing. Dr. Kennedy shows that God can use you to bring about healing and transformation in individuals, families, and even entire communities when faith is part of your everyday life.

“It is a practical demonstration of how even a child can lead their parents and neighbors to know Christ.” ~ Sonia Rodney-Williams EdD, Retired Special Educator, Medical Missionary

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

S. June E. Kennedy

Dr. S. June E. Kennedy is a retired educator who wears many hats—wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and workshop and seminar presenter. She believes in the importance of passing on positive legacies to the next generation and is always looking for ways to make a difference in the lives of parents and children.

For the past fifty years, Dr. Kennedy has been in ministry with her husband, currently the Emmanuel Worship Center SDA Church pastor in Alexandria, Virginia. She is the recipient of several awards for excellence in teaching.

An avid reader of history and biography, Dr. Kennedy finds time for gardening, sewing, cooking, and playing the piano. She says that her greatest desire is to serve God wholeheartedly and invite others to serve Him.


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Product Reviews

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  1. Anyone reading it will be truly blessed. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Jan 2022

    TEACH Services received the following:
    “Dr S. June E. Kennedy's unique style of telling the story which can be read and understood by everyone, using a child to channel significant changes in the lives of others, is refreshing. It highlights the missing pieces in true discipleship...showing how love and consistency can come to life, through the eyes of a child. It is a practical demonstration of how even a child can lead their parents and neighbors to know Christ.

    Neighbors to Family is an exciting appeal to different categories of people—young and old alike, active and inactive youth. Anyone reading it will be truly blessed.”
    — Sonia Rodney-Williams EdD, Retired Special Educator, Medical Missionary

  2. I love this book! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Jan 2022

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "'Neighbors to Family' is a great book. When I was 11 years old, I wanted something to read, and my Grandma gave me Part One to read, and I couldn't stop reading. When she finished everything, I read the whole thing, and I loved it. It is a story about a new kid in a neighborhood and his next-door neighbor, who led him to God. They became friends, and that changed him and his family completely. I would encourage my parents to read it because it has many questions that they can use to help me to witness to others. This is why I love this book.”
    —Darius Kennedy, 12 years old

  3. A great book that all should read. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Jan 2022

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “'Neighbors to Family' is a story that teaches people to be kind to all. It teaches not only to give a smile or an act of kindness but also to communicate kindly with those that are different from them. It shows how we can be taught to share ideas with respect and even bring others to God. This is a great book that all should read.”
    —Leighvanni Kennedy, 14 years old

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