About the Book
This book, Power for Witnessing, discusses the reception of the Holy Spirit. It does not preach doctrine, but rather is a living testimony of what the Holy Spirit has done for the author and others. It is a book of practical teaching and diligent doing, taking the reader step by step through the gospel truth and showing them how to witness in their own lives. This book is designed for those who are seeking for power to become living witnesses.
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About the Author
A.F. Ballenger (1861–1921) was born on a farm in Illinois. The son of a Seventh-day Adventist minister, in 1885 he followed in his father’s footsteps and became a minister himself. He gained prominence in the late 1880s as an advocate for religious liberty and for renewed emphasis on the Holy Spirit. Drawing on his evangelistic and witnessing skills, he spent several years preaching at churches and campmeetings across the country. He later served as a missionary in England, Wales, and Ireland.
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