One of the most wonderful things about God is that He lives in our praise. He's a loving God who wants to be with us. And when we worship Him, He is. Isn't that amazing? When we praise and worship God, His presence comes to dwell with us. Things that need to change, change. Always! You can count on it. Hearts change. Situations change. Lives change. Minds change.
One of the chapter in this book, "Power in Praise," provides a simple and clear explanation of how and why the principles introduced in Songs of the Beloved work in everyday life.
Joselle Louis LaGuerre is a wife and mother of four. She teaches English composition and literature at Miami Dade College. On the weekends, Joselle joins her husband, Dr. Clifford LaGuerre, a marriage/family counselor and youth evangelist, in ministering to Christian congregations in South and Central Florida.