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Three Messages of Revelation 14 / Andrews, John Nevins



About the Book 

The Bible is full of the references to the second coming of the Saviour and the events of the great day of God. The language of the inspired writers expresses in the most vivid manner the awful and terrific scenes of that day in which God arises from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth.

God always warns before He sends His judgments. As He warned Sodom and Gomorrah before sending fire and brimstone and the antediluvian world through Noah before the flood, even so today He is sending a message of warning. In Revelation, Chapter 14, we find the three angels' message which is being heralded around the world.

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About the Author 

John N Andrews (1829-1883), born July 22, was the son of Edward Andrews, a believer in the Advent message who lived in Paris, Maine. Soon after the disappointment of 1844, the Sabbath truth came to the Andrews home through T M Preble's article in The Hope of Israel, and seventeen-year-old John believed at once. A few years later he was traveling with Elder and Mrs. James White, preaching and writing.

His contribution as a writer matched his other achievements. Beginning as a corresponding editor of the Review and Herald, he produced a large quantity of periodical and book material. He was on the editorial staff of the Signs of the Times from 1875 to 1881. Elder Andrews at once became prominent and later served as president of the General Conference, 1867-1869. He became the first Seventh-day Adventist foreign missionary by going to Switzerland in 1874, to preach, write, and organize the Central European Mission. He was founder and editor of Les Signes des Temps. He died in Basle, Switzerland on Oct 21, 1883.

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