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  • Front cover The Time of the Remnant
  • Front cover The Time of the Remnant
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Time of the Remnant, The / Grice, Rebecca G. / Paperback / LSI

945-6989 L


About the Book 

Just as generations before them, a close-knit Mennonite family is living a quiet, peaceful life in the farming community of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They are faithful members of their church and hold steadfastly to Mennonite traditions. But the world is quickly changing; natural disasters and calamities are now the norm. This family is also experiencing hardships from a severe drought and now their granddaughter has become ill from another, yet unidentified, virus which is sweeping across their community and around the globe. As they pray, they are guided by God to begin reading two adult Bible study books that were included in the set of Bible Story books they had purchased for the children. They read them, comparing what they say to the Bible and become convinced that they must stand for what is right no matter the consequences.

A non-Christian, divorced mother, and her son, living in Mississippi, struggle to survive a devastating earthquake. In the rubble, the son discovers one Bible Story book. They are guided by God to find shelter in the home of a Christian woman, who had taken care of the mother and her brother while their parents worked. The women had told the children about Jesus as she read them stories from those very same Bible Story books the son now holds. She had also taken them to her church every Sabbath.

These two families, along with their relatives and friends, are caught up in end-time events: a series of startling circumstances, unexplained occurrences, miraculous healing, the appearance of a messiah, drought, destruction, a worldwide pandemic, and the imminent destruction of the earth by a coming asteroid. All these events occur amidst the issuing of government identification cards, an order to worship on Sunday, and the threat of persecution. As their stories unfold, members of these two families slowly become intertwined with each other as believers who refuse to obey the dictates of government rather than the commandments of God. The world is in turmoil, but the remnant remains, trusting only in God's promises until Jesus comes to rescue them at last!

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Rebecca Grice

Author Rebecca Galloway Grice is an accomplished author and artist who explains, “I couldn't decide whether I should be an artist or a writer. The Lord has led in my life, and I have been able to do both things I love.” Rebecca has had her stories and articles published in the weekly Sabbath School magazines Guide and Primary Treasure, The Adventist Review, and several devotional books. Her artwork has been shown in several galleries, and she teaches art to students and oil painting to adults. She has also served as the Director of Communications for the Gulf States Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Rebecca is an adventurous soul who enjoys being outside in nature. She currently resides in Panama City, Florida, and attends the Panama City Seventh-day Adventist Church. Rebecca's favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:38–39: “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


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Rebecca was featured in an article "Former Communication Director Publishes Sharing Book". This article was originally published in Gulf States News Magazine, Jan 2021, pg. 26. Reprinted and shared with permission. View Magazine.    

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  1. Excellent book for the times we are living in 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 4th Feb 2021

    Great reading for those who believe Christ's 4th commandment is still applicable to us in our world today and for those who want to learn more about true Sabbath-keeping. While it is fiction, it is based on very factual prophecy of what true Sabbath-keepers believe will happen at the end of time...a time that is just ahead and coming at us faster than most realize. If you don't want to be one of the many who are caught sleeping (and without oil in their lamps) when Christ comes for His children, you must to treat yourself to this interesting, captivating read. I couldn't put it down.

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