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  • Front Cover of The Bible and Alcohol Use
  • Front Cover of The Bible and Alcohol Use
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Bible and Alcohol Use, The / Striemer, Glen / Paperback / LSI

945-6964 L


About the Book 

What does the Bible have to say about drinking wine and alcoholic beverages? What are the different Bible words used in the Hebrew and Greek to differentiate between fermented and non-fermented wine? Did Jesus create fermented wine at the wedding feast?

Author Glen Striemer brings clarity to this confusing and often misunderstood topic in the Bible. He takes the reader on a thought-provoking tour from the first pure fruits in the Garden of Eden, to the drunken feasts of the Old Testament kings, to the warnings of the prophets against wine, to the use of wine and what it symbolized in the sanctuary service, to the meaning of the Nazrene vow, and to the use of wine in the communion service. The effects of alcohol on various parts of the body are discussed, along with a warning to Christians and about the use of wine and alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol has been the biggest curse and tool of Satan since creation. The author challenges all Christians to remember they are now part of the royal priesthood forbidden to drink alcohol. With God's help, they are to live a sanctified life without alcohol in the days just prior to Christ’s return.

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 

Glen Striemer

Glen Striemer was a career literature evangelist for 25 years, working in Canada and the United States. He currently operates LoudCryMedia.com, a global network of faith-based radio and TV channels, which can be listened to on computer, mobile devices, via app, or on Roku TV. He and his wife Lorraine split their time, spending the summers in Canada and the winters in Tennessee. Glen's hobbies include golfing and preparing sermons on righteousness by faith.

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